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powder n.粉末,药粉;香粉,爽身粉;火药,炸药

/ 5paudE /

1. [mass noun] fine dry particles produced by the grinding, crushing, or disintegration of a solid substance
• 粉,粉末
 »when the powder is mixed with water it becomes a creamy white paste.
 »cocoa powder.
 »[in sing.] crush the poppy seeds to a powder.
  (也作 face powder)a cosmetic in this form designed to be applied to a person's face with a brush or soft pad
• (化妆用)扑面香粉,香粉
  [count noun] [dated] a medicine or drug in this form, usually designed to be dissolved in a liquid
[旧] 药粉
  (也作 powder snow)loose, dry, newly fallen snow
• 粉末雪
 »[as modifier] powder skiing.
  short for gunpowder (in sense 1)
• gunpowder(义项1)的简称
verb, [with obj.]
1. apply powder to (the face or body)
• 往(脸或身体)搽粉
 »she powdered her face and put on a dab of perfume.
  sprinkle or cover (a surface) with powder or a powdery substance
• 撒粉状物于(表面),以粉状物覆盖
 »broken glass powdered the floor.
 »high cheekbones powdered with freckles.
2. reduce (a substance) to a powder by drying or crushing it
• 使(某物)成粉状
 »then the rose petals are dried and powdered.
 »[as adj. powdered] powdered milk.
keep one's powder dry
1. remain cautious and ready for a possible emergency
• 保持警惕以应付可能的突发事件
powder one's nose
1. (of a woman) go to the toilet (used as a euphemism)
[婉] (女人)上卫生间
take a powder
1. [N. Amer. informal] depart quickly, especially in order to avoid a difficult situation
[北美,非正式] 匆忙离去,逃跑(尤指逃避难堪局面)
powdery adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French poudre, from Latin pulvis, pulver- 'dust'

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