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preserve v.保持n.独占的范围,专属的领域

/ pri5zE:v /

1. [with obj.] maintain (something) in its original or existing state
• 保护,保养;维护,保全
 »all records of the past were zealously preserved.
 »[as adj. preserved] a magnificently preserved monastery.
  retain (a condition or state of affairs)
• 保持;维护
 »a fight to preserve local democracy.
  maintain or keep alive (a memory or quality)
• 维持;保留
 »the film has preserved all the qualities of the novel.
  keep safe from harm or injury
• 使免受伤害;保护
 »a place for preserving endangered species.
  treat or refrigerate (food) to prevent its decomposition or fermentation
• 处理(或冷藏)以防腐烂(或发酵)
  prepare (fruit) for long-term storage by boiling it with sugar
• (用蜜饯法)加工(水果)
 »[as adj. preserved] those sweet preserved fruits associated with Cremona.
  keep (game or an area where game is found) undisturbed to allow private hunting or shooting
• 禁止他人捕猎;把…圈为外人禁猎地
1. [mass noun] a foodstuff made with fruit preserved in sugar, such as jam or marmalade
• 蜜饯;果酱
 »a jar of cherry preserve.
 »[count noun] home-made preserves.
2. a sphere of activity regarded as being reserved for a particular person or group
• (个人,群体)专有活动场所
 »the civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.
3. a place where game is protected and kept for private hunting or shooting
• 动植物保护区;外人禁入的猎地
preservable adjective
preserver noun
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'keep safe from harm'): from Old French preserver, from late Latin praeservare, from prae- 'before, in advance' + servare 'to keep'

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