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promise n.承诺,诺言;希望 v.允诺,答应;有希望

/ 5prCmis /

1. a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that guarantees that a particular thing will happen
• 允诺;诺言;承诺,保证
 »what happened to all those firm promises of support?
 »[with clause] he took my fax number with the promise that he would send me a drawing.
 »[with infinitive] I did not keep my promise to go home early.
  [mass noun] the quality of potential excellence
• 前途;指望;出息
 »he showed great promise even as a junior officer.
  [in sing.] an indication that something specified is expected or likely to occur
• 可能
 »there was a promise of peace in a land that had endured the threat of war for six months.
1. [reporting verb] assure someone that one will definitely do,give,or arrange something; undertake or declare that something will happen
• 答应,允诺;作出保证
 »[with infinitive] he promised to forward my mail.
 »[with clause] she made him promise that he wouldn't do it again.
 »[with direct speech] ‘I'll bring it straight back,’ she promised.
 »[with two objs] he promised her the job.
  [with obj.] [一般作 be promised] (archaic)pledge (someone, especially a woman) to marry someone else; betroth
[古] 把(某人,尤指女人)许配给
 »I've been promised to him for years.
2. [with obj.] give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence or situation)
• 有…可能;给…以指望
 »forthcoming concerts promise a feast of music from around the world.
 »[with infinitive] it promised to be a night that all present would long remember.
  (of a person, publication, institution, etc.) announce (something) as being expected to happen
• (人、出版物、机构等)宣布(将发生)
 »China yesterday promised a record summer grain harvest.
 »[with two objs] we're promised more winter weather tonight.
  (promise oneself)contemplate the pleasant expectation of
• 指望,期待
 »he tidied up the sitting room, promising himself an early night.
I promise (或 I promise you)
1. [informal] used for emphasis, especially so as to reassure, encourage, or threaten someone
[非正式] (尤指用以加强安慰、鼓励或威胁的口气)我(向你)保证
 »oh, I'm not joking, I promise you.
on a promise
1. [informal] (of a person) confidently assured of something,especially of having sexual intercourse with someone
[非正式] (人)被确切保证某事的(尤指性关系)
 »a shop where Tom and I are on a promise with the girls serving there.
promise (someone) the earth [或moon]
1. make extravagant promises to someone that are unlikely to be fulfilled
• 夸下海口
 »interactive technology titillates, promises the earth but delivers nothing.
promises, promises
1. [informal] used to indicate that the speaker is sceptical about someone's stated intention to do something
[非正式] (表示说话者怀疑某人宣称的意图)诺言复诺言
promiser noun
1. late Middle English: from Latin promissum 'something promised', neuter past participle of promittere 'put forth, promise', from pro- 'forward' + mittere 'send'

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