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proper a.适当的,正确的;正当的,规矩的;完全的

/ 5prCpE /

1. [attrib.] truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine
• 真正的
 »she's never had a proper job.
 »a proper meal.
  [postpositive] strictly so called; in its true form
• 严格意义上的,真正的,本身的
 »after this event, three countries will progress to the World Cup proper.
  (informal, chiefly Brit.)used as an intensifier, especially in derogatory contexts
[非正式,主英,贬] (用于强调)地道的
 »a proper little do-gooder, aren't I?
2. [attrib.] of the required type; suitable or appropriate
• 合适的;适当的,恰当的
 »an artist needs the proper tools.
  according to what is correct or prescribed for a particular situation or thing
• 本来的,固有的,正确的;准确的
 »they had not followed the proper procedures.
  according to or respecting recognized social standards or conventions; respectable,especially excessively so
• (尤指过度)循规蹈矩的;合乎体统的,正派的
 »her parents' view of what was proper for a well-bred girl.
 »a very prim and proper Swiss lady.
3. [predic.] (proper to)belonging or relating exclusively or distinctively to; particular to
• 专属于…的;为…所特有的
 »the two elephant types proper to Africa and to southern Asia.
  (of a psalm, lesson, prayer, etc.) appointed for a particular day, occasion, or season
• (圣诗、教义、祷词等)用于某特定场合的
  (archaic)belonging to oneself or itself; own
[古] 属于自己的,自己的
 »to judge with my proper eyes.
4. [usu. postpositive] [Heraldry] in the natural colours
[纹章] 原色的
5. (archaic or dialect)(of a person) good-looking
[古或方] (人)漂亮的,好看的
 »he is a proper youth!.
6. [Mathematics] denoting a subset or subgroup that does not constitute the entire set or group, especially one that has more than one element
[数] 真的,正常的
1. [Brit. informal or dialect] satisfactorily or correctly
[英,非正式或方] 满意地,正确地
 »my eyes were all blurry and I couldn't see proper.
• 完全地,彻底地
 »he blotted his copybook good and proper.
1. the part of a church service that varies with the season or feast
• 特定季节(或节日)的礼仪
properness noun
1. Middle English: from Old French propre, from Latin proprius 'one's own, special'

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