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propose v.建议,提议= recommend=counsel

/ prE5pEuz /

1. [with obj.] put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others
• 提出,提议,建议
 »he proposed a new nine-point peace plan.
 »[with infinitive] he proposed to attend the meeting.
 »[with clause] I proposed that the government should retain a 51 per cent stake in the company.
  nominate (someone) for an elected office or as a member of a society
• 提名,推荐
 »Roy Thomson was proposed as chairman.
  put forward (a motion) to a legislature or committee
• (向立法机构或委员会)提交(动议)
 »the government put its slim majority to the test by proposing a vote of confidence.
2. [no obj.] make an offer of marriage to someone
• 向某人求婚
 »I have already proposed to Sarah.
propose marriage
1. make an offer of marriage to someone
• 求婚
propose a toast (或 propose someone's health)
1. ask a group of people at a social occasion to drink to the health and happiness of a specified person
• 提议(为某人健康和幸福)干杯
 »the Lord Mayor proposed a toast to the Queen.
proposer noun
1. Middle English: from Old French proposer, from Latin proponere (see proponent ), but influenced by Latin propositus 'put or set forth' and Old French poser 'to place'

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