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proposition n.命题,主题;提议

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1. a statement or assertion that expresses a judgement or opinion
• (表达判断或意见的)陈述,主张;论点
 »the proposition that high taxation is undesirable.
  [Logic] a statement that expresses a concept that can be true or false
[逻] 命题
  [Mathematics] a formal statement of a theorem or problem, typically including the demonstration
[数] 命题
2. a suggested scheme or plan of action, especially in a business context
• (尤指商务活动)提议,建议,提案
 »he put a detailed investment proposition to me.
   [US] a constitutional proposal; a bill
[美] 议案;(有关宪法的)提案
  [informal] an offer of sexual intercourse made to a person with whom one is not sexually involved,especially one that is made in an unsubtle or offensive way
[非正式] (尤指以猥亵无礼方式提出的)性要求;求欢
3. [with adj.] a project, task, or idea considered in terms of its likely success or difficulty, especially in a commercial context
• (尤指商业中)可能成功(或有困难)的计划(或任务,想法)
 »a paper that has lost half its readers is unlikely to be an attractive proposition.
  a person considered in terms of the likely success or difficulty of one's dealings with them
• (交往时可能成功或遇到困难的)人,家伙
 »Brian's a far better bloke as a long-term proposition.
1. [with obj.] [informal] make a suggestion of sexual intercourse to (someone with whom one is not sexually involved), especially in an unsubtle or offensive way
[非正式] (尤指以猥亵无礼的方式)提出性要求;求欢
 »she had been propositioned at the party by a subeditor with bad breath.
  make an offer or suggestion to (someone)
• 向(某人)提议
 »I was propositioned by the editor about becoming film critic of the paper.
propositional adjective
1. (chiefly Logic 主逻).)
1. Middle English: from Old French, from Latin propositio(n-), from the verb proponere (see propound ). The verb dates from the 1920s

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