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pull v.拖,拉,牵;拔,采;拉伤 n.拉,拖,牵

/ pul /

verb, [with obj.]
1. exert force on (someone or something), typically by taking hold of them, in order to move or try to move them towards oneself or the origin of the force
• 把…拉(过来);把…扯(过来)
 »he pulled the car door handle and began to get out.
 »[no obj.] the little boy pulled at her skirt.
  (of an animal or vehicle) be attached to the front and be the source of forward movement of (a vehicle)
• (动物,车辆)向前拖拉(车辆)
 »the carriage was pulled by four horses.
  [with obj. and adverbial] take hold of and exert force on (something) so as to move it from a specified position or in a specified direction
• 从某个方位拉(某物);把(某物)拉向某个方向
 »she pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket.
 »he pulled on his boots.
 »I pulled up some onions.
  [informal] bring out (a weapon) for use against someone
[非正式] 拔出,掏出(武器)对付某人
 »it's not every day a young woman pulls a gun on a burglar.
  [Brit.] draw (beer) from a barrel to serve
[英] (从桶中)汲取(用于招待的啤酒)
  [no obj.] (pull at/on)inhale deeply while smoking (a pipe or cigarette)
• 深吸(烟斗,烟)
  damage (a muscle, ligament, etc.) by abnormal strain
• 拉伤(肌肉、韧带等)
  print (a proof)
• 打印(草样,校样)
  [Computing] retrieve (an item of data) from the top of a stack
[计算机] 拉式检索(数据)
2. [no obj., with adverbial] (of a vehicle or person) move steadily in a specified direction or to reach a specified point
• (车辆,人)(朝特定方向或为到达特定地点)稳步移动
 »the bus was about to pull away.
 »the boy pulled ahead and disappeared round the corner.
  [with adverbial of direction] (pull oneself)move in a specified direction with effort, especially by taking hold of something and exerting force
• (尤指抓住东西用力朝特定方向)移动
 »he pulled himself into the saddle.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move one's body in a specified direction, especially against resistance
• 使身体朝某个方向移动(尤指挣脱)
 »she tried to pull away from him.
  [no obj.] (of an engine) exert propulsive force; deliver power
• (发动机)施加拉力,传输动力
 »the engine warmed up quickly and pulled well.
  [no obj.] work oars to cause a boat to move
• (划桨)开船;划桨,划船
 »he pulled at the oars and the boat moved swiftly through the water.
3. cause (someone) to patronize, buy, or show interest in something; attract
• 促使(某人)资助(或购买);吸引
 »tourist attractions which pull in millions of foreign visitors.
  influence in favour of a particular course of action
• 对…施加影响(使之偏爱某一行动路线)
 »they are pulled in incompatible directions by external factors and their own beliefs.
  [informal] succeed in attracting sexually
[非正式] 引诱
 »I used my sense of humour to pull girls.
  [informal] carry out or achieve (something requiring skill, luck, or planning)
[非正式] 实现,获得(需要技巧、运气或计划的东西)
 »the magazine pulled its trick of producing the right issue at the right time.
4. [informal] cancel or withdraw (an entertainment or advertisement)
[非正式] 取消,撤消(表演会,广告)
 »the gig was pulled at the first sign of difficulty.
  [N. Amer.] withdraw (a player) from a game; disqualify
[北美] 禁止(运动员)参赛;终止…的资格
• 逮捕,拘留
 »I don't enjoy driving and am never likely to get pulled for speeding.
  check the speed of (a horse), especially so as to make it lose a race
• (尤指赛马时为了故意落败而)控制(马)的速度
5. strike (a ball) in a certain manner or direction, in particular
• (以某种方式或朝某个方向)击(球),尤指
  [Cricket] play (the ball) round to the leg side from the off
[板球] 把(球)从前方场地打向外场
  [Golf & Baseball] strike (the ball) so that it travels to the left (or, with a left-handed player, the right)
[高尔夫,棒球] 击(球)使之朝左侧(或对左手击球员而言朝右侧)滚动
6. [no obj.] [American Football] (of a lineman) withdraw from and cross behind the line of scrimmage to block opposing players and clear the way for a runner
[美橄] (攻方前锋为掩护本方持球队员从对阵争球线)侧翼迂回阻挡
1. an act of taking hold of something and exerting force to draw it towards one
• (抓住某物用力)拉,扯(的动作)
 »give the hair a quick pull and it comes out by the roots.
  a handle to hold while performing such an action
• 拉手,把手
 »the car didn't have external door handles, just pulls inside.
  a deep draught of a drink
• 一满口(或大口)饮料
  an act of sucking at a cigarette, cigar, or pipe
• (对香烟、雪茄或烟斗的)一吸
 »he took a pull on his cheroot.
  [in sing.] an act of moving steadily or with effort
• 稳步(或努力)移动
 »a pull for ten minutes brought me to the summit.
  an injury to a muscle or ligament caused by abnormal strain
• (肌肉或韧带的)拉伤
 »he was ruled out of the game with a hamstring pull.
  a printer's proof
• 草样,校样
2. [in sing.] a force drawing someone or something in a particular direction
• 拉力
 »the pull of the water tore her away.
  a powerful influence or compulsion
• 感染力,魅力;强制力
 »the pull of her home town was a strong one.
  [count noun] something exerting an influence or attraction
• 产生影响(或吸引力)的东西
 »one of the pulls of urban life is the opportunity of finding employment.
  [mass noun] the condition of being able to exercise influence
• 能产生影响的条件
 »the team might be seeded because of their pull within soccer's international body.
  [informal] an attempt to attract someone sexually
[非正式] 性引诱
 »an eligible bachelor on the pull.
3. (in cricket, golf, baseball, etc.) a pulling stroke
• (板球、高尔夫或棒球等运动用语)一击
like pulling teeth
1. [informal] used to convey that something is extremely difficult to do
[非正式] [表达事情极为难办时的用语]太难了
 »it had been like pulling teeth to extract these two small items from Moore.
pull a boner --› see boner
pull a face (或 faces) --› see face
pull a fast one --› see fast
pull one's head in
1. [Austral./NZ informal] mind one's own business
[澳/新西兰] 管自己的事;不管闲事
pull someone's leg
1. deceive someone playfully; tease someone
• 愚弄,耍弄;取笑
pull the other one (it's got bells on)
1. [Brit. informal] used to express a suspicion that one is being deceived or teased
[英,非正式] [表示怀疑受到欺骗或耍弄时的用语]别骗我,别耍我
 »Your boat was sunk by a swordfish? Pull the other one!.
pull out all the stops --› see stop
pull the plug
1. [informal] prevent something from happening or continuing
[非正式] 阻止事物发生(或继续下去)
 »the company pulled the plug on the deal because it was not satisfied with the terms.
pull (one's) punches
1. [usu. with negative] be less forceful, severe, or violent than one could be
• 不那么有力(或严厉,猛烈);留有余地
 »a smooth-tongued critic who doesn't pull his punches.
pull rank --› see rank
pull one's socks up --› see sock
pull strings
1. make use of one's influence and contacts to gain an advantage unofficially or unfairly
• 拉关系,走后门
pull the strings
1. be in control of events or of other people's actions
• 控制事件(或他人的行动)
pull together
1. cooperate in a task or undertaking
• (任务或事业上)合作,协作
pull oneself together
1. recover control of one's emotions
• 重新控制感情,重新振作起来;控制自己,镇静下来
pull someone/thing to pieces --› see piece
pull one's weight
1. do one's fair share of work
• 做分内的工作
pull wires
1. (chieflyUS). another way of saying pull strings above
[主美] 同前面 pull strings
pull the wool over someone's eyes --› see wool
puller noun
1. Old English pullian 'pluck, snatch'; origin uncertain; the sense has developed from expressing a short sharp action to one of sustained force
pull back (或 pull someone/thing back)
1. retreat or cause troops to retreat from an area
• 撤退;使(部队)撤退
 »the pact called on the rival forces to pull back and allow a neutral force to take control.
  (pull back)withdraw from an undertaking
• 收回承诺,改变主意;反悔
 »the party pulled back from its only positive policy.
2. improve or restore a team's position in a sporting contest
• 改进(或恢复)运动队在比赛中的位置
 »Rovers pulled back to 4–3 with a goal two minutes from time.
 »Scotland pulled the game back to 3–2.
pull something down
1. demolish a building
• 拆毁建筑物
2. [informal] earn a sum of money
[非正式] 挣一笔钱
 »he was pulling down sixty grand.
pull in
1. (of a vehicle or its driver) move to the side of or off the road
• (车辆,驾驶员)驶向路边,驶离道路
 »he pulled in at the kerb.
2. (of a bus or train) arrive to take passengers
• (公共汽车,火车)到站载客
pull someone/thing in
1. succeed in securing or obtaining something
• 成功获得,获取
 »the party pulled in 10% of the vote.
  [informal] earn a sum of money
[非正式] 挣一笔钱
 »you could pull in £100,000.
2. [informal] arrest someone
[非正式] 逮捕,拘留
 »I'd pull him in for questioning.
3. use reins to check a horse
• 勒马
pull something off
1. [informal] succeed in achieving or winning something difficult
[非正式] 成功获得(或赢得)艰难的事
 »he pulled off a brilliant first round win.
pull out
1. withdraw from an undertaking
• 收回承诺;终止活动
 »he was forced to pull out of the championship because of an injury.
  retreat or cause to retreat from an area
• (使)撤退
 »the army pulled out, leaving the city in ruins.
 »the CIA had pulled its operatives out of Tripoli.
2. (of a bus or train) leave with its passengers
• (公共汽车,火车)离站,出站
3. (of a vehicle or its driver) move out from the side of the road, or from its normal position in order to overtake
• (车辆,驾驶员)驶离路边,(为超车而)变更车道
 »as he turned the corner a police car pulled out in front of him.
pull over
1. (of a vehicle or its driver) move to the side of or off the road
• (车辆,驾驶员)驶向路边,驶离道路
pull someone over
1. cause a driver to pull off the road to be charged for a traffic offense
• 让驾驶员驶靠路边接受违章处罚
 »he was pulled over for speeding.
pull round
1. (chiefly Brit.)recover from an illness
[主英] 恢复健康
pull through (或 pull someone/thing through)
1. get through or enable someone or something to get through an illness or other dangerous or difficult situation
• (使)摆脱疾病;(使)渡过难关
 »the illness is difficult to overcome, but we hope she'll pull through.
pull up
1. (of a vehicle or its driver) come to a halt
• (车辆,驾驶员)停车
 »he pulled up outside the cottage.
2. increase the altitude of an aircraft
• 提升飞机的高度
pull someone up
1. cause someone to stop or pause; check someone
• 使停止(或暂停);制止
 »the shock of his words pulled her up short.
  reprimand someone
• 训斥,申斥

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