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pyramid n.金字塔(形结构);锥状物

/ 5pirEmid /

1. a monumental structure with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top, especially one built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt
• 金字塔;锥形塔,方尖塔(尤指古埃及的石砌王室墓)
2. Pyramids were built as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs from the 3rd dynasty (c.2649 bc) until c.1640 bc. The early step pyramid, with several levels and a flat top, developed into the true pyramid, such as the three largest at Giza near Cairo (the Pyramids, including the Great Pyramid of Cheops) which were one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Monuments of similar shape are associated with the Aztec and Maya civilizations of around 1200 bcad 750, and, like those in Egypt, were part of large ritual complexes
3. an object, shape, or graph with such a form
• 金字塔状物体(或形状、图表)
 »the pyramid of the Matterhorn.
  [Geometry] a polyhedron of which one face is a polygon of any number of sides, and the other faces are triangles with a common vertex
[几何] 角锥(体),棱锥(体)
 »a three-sided pyramid.
  a pile of things with such a form
• 角锥状的一堆东西
 » a pyramid of logs.
  a fruit tree trained in such a form
• 培育(或修剪)成角锥形的果树
  (pyramids)a game played on a billiard table with fifteen coloured balls arranged in a triangle and a cue ball
• 金字塔式台球
  [Anatomy] a structure of more or less pyramidal form, especially in the brain or the renal medulla
[剖] 锥体
  an organization or system that is structured with fewer people or things at each level as one approaches the top
• 金字塔形组织(或体系)
 »the lowest strata of the social pyramid.
  a system of financial growth achieved by a small initial investment, with subsequent investments being funded by using unrealized profits as collateral
• 金字塔式控股
1. [with obj.] (chiefly N. Amer.)heap or stack in the shape of a pyramid
[主北美] 把…堆成尖塔(或角锥)形
 »debt was pyramided on top of unrealistic debt in an orgy of speculation.
  achieve a substantial return on (money or property) after making a small initial investment
• 在(小投资)上获得丰厚的收益
pyramidal adjective
pyramidally adverb
pyramidical adjective
pyramidically adverb
1. late Middle English (in the geometrical sense): via Latin from Greek puramis, puramid-, of unknown ultimate origin

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