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quantity n.数量,量;[常pl.]大量,大宗

/ 5kwCntiti /

(pl. -ies)
1. [mass noun] the amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement
• 量,数量
 »the quantity and quality of the fruit can be controlled.
 »[count noun] note down the sizes, colours, and quantities that you require.
  a certain, usually specified, amount or number of something
• (特定的)数量
 » a small quantity of food.
 »if taken in large quantities, the drug can result in liver failure.
  [常作 quantities] a considerable number or amount of something
• 大量
 »she was able to drink quantities of beer without degenerating into giggles.
 »[mass noun] many people like to buy in quantity.
2. [mass noun] [Phonetics] the perceived length of a vowel sound or syllable
[语音] 音量
3. [mass noun] [Mathematics & Physics] a value or component that may be expressed in numbers
[数,物理] 数量;值,参量
  [count noun] the figure or symbol representing this
• 代表数量(或参量)的数(或符号)
1. Middle English: from Old French quantite, from Latin quantitas (translating Greek posotēs), from quantus 'how great, how much'

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