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quiz n.(广播或电视节目中的)一般知识测验,猜迷

/ kwiz /

(pl. quizzes)
1. a test of knowledge, especially as a competition between individuals or teams as a form of entertainment
• 知识测验;智力竞赛,问答比赛
  (informal, chiefly Brit.)an act of questioning someone, especially as part of a police investigation or a formal inquiry
[非正式,主英] (尤指警方调查或正式调查中的)询问,盘问,审问
  [N. Amer.] an informal written test or examination given to students
[北美] 小测验
(quizzes, quizzed, quizzing)
1. [with obj.] [常作 be quizzed] ask (someone) questions
• 询问,审问,盘问
 »four men have been quizzed about the murder.
  [N. Amer.] give (a student or class) an informal written test or examination
[北美] 测验(学生,班级)
1. mid 19th cent. (as a verb; originally US): possibly from quiz, influenced by inquisitive
(quizzes, quizzed, quizzing), [with obj.]
1. look curiously or intently at (someone) through or as if through an eyeglass
• (透过镜片)好奇地(或仔细地)打量
 »deep-set eyes quizzed her in the candlelight.
2. make fun of
• 戏弄,取笑
 »he says there's a great deal of poetry in brewing beer, but of course he's only quizzing us.
(pl. quizzes)
1. a practical joke or hoax; a piece of banter or ridicule
• 恶作剧,戏弄,嘲弄
 »I am impatient to know if the whole be not one grand quiz.
  a person who ridicules another; a hoaxer or practical joker
• 戏弄他人者,取笑者,恶作剧者
 »braving the ridicule with which it pleased the quizzes to asperse the husband chosen for her.
2. a person who is odd or eccentric in character or appearance
• (性格,相貌)古怪的人
 »she means to marry that quiz for the sake of his thousands.
quizzer noun
1. late 18th cent.: sometimes said to have been invented by a Dublin theatre proprietor who, having made a bet that a nonsense word could be made known within 48 hours throughout the city, and that the public would give it a meaning, had the word written up on walls all over the city. There is no evidence to support this theory

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