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quote n. 引言v. 引用(某人的话)

/ kwEut /

verb, [with obj.]
1. repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker
• 摘引;引用,引述;复述
 »he quoted a passage from the Psalms.
 »[with direct speech] ‘The stream mysterious glides beneath,’ Melinda quoted.
 »[no obj.] when we told her this she said, and I quote, ‘Phooey!’.
  repeat a passage from (a work or author) or statement by (someone)
• 援引(作品,作家)的片断;援用(某人)的说法
 »the prime minister was quoted as saying that he would resist all attempts to 'sabotage’ his government.
 »he quoted Shakespeare, Goethe, and other poets.
  mention or refer to (someone or something) to provide evidence or authority for a statement, argument, or opinion
• 指出(某人,某事)为出处,以…为证
 »they won't be here at all in there years' time — you can quote me on that.
  (quote someone/thing as)put forward or describe someone or something as being
• 将…描述为
 »heavy teaching loads are often quoted as a bad influence on research.
2. give someone (the estimated price of a job or service)
• (就工作或服务)出(价),报(价)
 »[with two objs] a garage quoted him £30.
  [一般作 be quoted] [Stock Exchange] give (a company) a quotation or listing on a stock exchange
[股票] 向(公司)提供股票报价
 »an organization that is quoted on the Stock Exchange.
  (quote someone/thing at/as)name at (specified odds)
• 为…打出(某投注赔率)
 »he is quoted as 9–2 favourite to score the first goal of the match.
1. a quotation from a text or speech
• 引文,引语,语录
 »a quote from Wordsworth.
2. a quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular job or service
• (关于工作或服务的)开价,出价,报价
 »quotes from different insurance companies.
  [Stock Exchange] a price offered by a market-maker for the sale or purchase of a stock or other security
[股票] 报价;牌价
  [Stock Exchange] a quotation or listing of a company on a stock exchange
[股票] (在证券交易所的)上市报价
3. (quotes)quotation marks
• 引号
quote —— unquote
1. [informal] used parenthetically when speaking to indicate the beginning and end (or just the beginning) of a statement or passage that one is repeating, especially to emphasize the speaker's detachment from or disagreement with the original
[非正式] 引文起——引文止(尤用以强调说话者对所引述文字的不同看法)
1. late Middle English: from medieval Latin quotare, from quot 'how many', or from medieval Latin quota (see quota ). The original sense was 'mark a book with numbers, or with marginal references', later 'give a reference by page or chapter', hence 'cite a text or person' (late 16th cent.)

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