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race n.种族;竞赛 vt.使全速行进 vi.疾走;竞走

/ reis /

1. a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc. to see which is the fastest in covering a set course
• (人、马、车、船等)赛速度,竞赛
 »Hill started from pole position and won the race.
  (the races)a series of such competitions for horses or dogs, held at a fixed time on a set course
• 大赛(定期定点举行的系列赛马或赛狗会)
  [in sing.] a situation in which individuals or groups compete to be first to achieve a particular objective
• 竞赛,竞争
 »the race for nuclear power.
  (archaic)the course of the sun or moon through the heavens
[古] (日,月)行程,历程
2. a strong or rapid current flowing through a narrow channel in the sea or a river
• 急流
 »angling for tuna in turbulent tidal races.
3. a groove, channel, or passage, in particular
• 沟槽,管道,通道,尤指
  a water channel, especially one built to lead water to or from a point where its energy is utilized, as in a mill or mine
• (磨坊或矿井等利用水力的)引水管道。
--› see mill race
  a smooth ring-shaped groove or guide in which a ball bearing or roller bearing runs
• (滚珠轴承或滚柱轴承的)座圈,滚道;轮槽
  a fenced passageway in a stockyard through which animals pass singly for branding, loading, washing, etc
• (饲养场让牲畜逐头通过以烙印、装载或冲洗的)栅栏过道
  (in weaving) the channel along which the shuttle moves
• (编织用语)走梭板
1. [no obj.] compete with another or others to see who is fastest at covering a set course or achieving an objective
• 参加竞速赛
 »the vet took blood samples from the horses before they raced.
 »[with obj.] two drivers raced each other through a housing estate.
  compete regularly in races as a sport or leisure activity
• 固定参加运动(或休闲)比赛活动
 »next year, he raced again for the team.
  [with obj.] prepare and enter (an animal or vehicle) for races as a sport or leisure activity
• 使(动物,车辆)准备参加比赛活动
 »he raced his three horses simply for the fun of it.
2. [no obj., with adverbial] move or progress swiftly or at full speed
• 疾走,迅跑;全速行进
 »I raced into the house.
 »she spoke automatically, while her mind raced ahead.
  [no obj.] (of an engine or other machinery) operate at excessive speed
• (发动机或其他机器)猛转
 »the truck came to rest against a tree with its engine racing.
  [no obj.] (of a person's heart or pulse) beat faster than usual because of fear or excitement
• (人的心脏或脉搏因害怕或激动)加快跳动
  [with obj.] cause to move, progress, or operate swiftly or at excessive speed
• 使飞速移动,前进,运转
 »she'd driven like a madwoman, racing the engine and swerving around corners.
be in the race
1. [usu. with negative] [Austral./NZ informal] have a chance of success
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 有希望赢;有成功机会
 »with you dressed up, none of us others will be in the race.
a race against time
1. a situation in which something must be done before a particular point in time
• 和时间赛跑,抢时间
 »it was a race against time to reach shore before the dinghy sank.
1. late Old English, from Old Norse rás 'current'. It was originally a northern English word with the sense 'rapid forward movement', which gave rise to the senses 'contest of speed' (early 16th cent.) and 'channel, path' (i.e. the space traversed). The verb dates from the late 15th cent
1. each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics
• 人种,种族;民族
 »people of all races, colours, and creeds.
  a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group
• (具有相同文化、历史和语言等特征的)种族,群体;族群
 »we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then.
  [mass noun] the fact or condition of belonging to such a division or group: the qualities or characteristics associated with this
• 种族归属;种族气质,特征
 »people of mixed race.
  a group or set of people or things with a common feature or features
• (具有共同特征的)一群(或一批)人(或物)
 »some male firefighters still regarded women as a race apart.
  [Biology] a population within a species that is distinct in some way, especially a subspecies
[生] 宗;族;品种(尤指亚种)
 »people have killed so many tigers that two races are probably extinct.
  (in non-technical use) each of the major divisions of living creatures
[非技] 族,类
 »a member of the human race.
 »the race of birds.
  (poetic/literary)a group of people descended from a common ancestor
[诗/文] (具有共同血统的)一群人
 »a prince of the race of Solomon.
  [mass noun] (archaic)ancestry
[古] 祖先;世系,血统,门第
 »two coursers of ethereal race.
2. Although ideas of race are centuries old, it was not until the 19th century, with the growth of interest in ethnology and physical anthropology, that attempts to systematize racial divisions were made. Ideas of supposed racial superiority and social Darwinism reached their culmination in Nazi ideology of the 1930s and gave pseudoscientific justification to policies and attitudes of discrimination, exploitation, slavery, and extermination. Theories of race asserting a link between racial type and intelligence are now discredited. Scientifically it is accepted as obvious that there are subdivisions of the human species, but it is also clear that genetic variation between individuals of the same race can be as great as that between members of different races
1. early 16th cent. (denoting a group with common features): via French from Italian razza, of unknown ultimate origin
1. In recent years, the associations of race with the ideologies and theories that grew out of the work of 19th-century anthropologists and physiologists has led to the use of the word race itself becoming problematic. Although still used in general contexts, it is now often replaced by other words which are less emotionally charged, such as people(s) or community
1. [dated] a ginger root
[旧] 姜根
1. late Middle English: from Old French rais, from Latin radix, radic- 'root'

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