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rail v.责骂,抱怨n.横杆,围栏,栏杆,秧鸡,扶手

/ reil /

1. a bar or series of bars, typically fixed on upright supports, serving as part of a fence or barrier or used to hang things on
• 横条,横杆,横档;栏杆,扶手
  (the rails)the inside boundary fence of a racecourse
• (赛马或赛狗场的)围栏
  the edge of a surfboard or sailboard
• 冲浪板(或帆板的)边缘
2. a steel bar or continuous line of bars laid on the ground as one of a pair forming a railway track
• 铁轨,钢轨;轨道,铁路
 »the goods train left the rails.
  [mass noun] [often as modifier] railways as a means of transport
• 铁路运输
 »rail fares.
 »travelling by rail.
3. a horizontal piece in the frame of a panelled door or sash window
• (镶板门或上下推拉窗的)横档,冒头。
--› compare stile
4. [Electronics] a conductor which is maintained at a fixed potential and to which other parts of a circuit are connected
[电子] 定电位导体轨
1. [with obj.] provide or enclose (a space or place) with a rail or rails
• 给…装横档;用栏杆围
 »the altar is railed off from the nave.
2. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] convey (goods) by rail
• 由铁路运送(货物)
 »perishables were trucked and railed into Manhattan.
3. [no obj.] (in windsurfing) sail the board on its edge, so that it is at a sharp angle to the surface of the water
• (风帆冲浪用语)斜板滑行
go off the rails
1. [informal] begin behaving in a strange, abnormal, or wildly uncontrolled way
[非正式] 行为不轨,越轨;出毛病;神经错乱
on the rails
1. [informal] behaving or functioning in a normal or regulated way
[非正式] 在轨道上;顺利,顺遂,正常
 »he is determined to get the club back on the rails.
2. (of a racehorse or jockey) in a position on the racetrack nearest the inside fence
• (赛马,骑师)近内栏,靠内栏
railage noun
railless adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French reille 'iron rod', from Latin regula 'straight stick, rule'
1. [no obj.] (rail against/at/about)complain or protest strongly and persistently about
• (强烈或反复地)抱怨;责骂
 »he railed at human fickleness.
railer noun
1. late Middle English: from French railler, from Provençal ralhar 'to jest', based on an alteration of Latin rugire 'to bellow'
1. a secretive bird with drab grey and brown plumage, typically having a long bill and found in dense waterside vegetation
• 秧鸡
2. Family Rallidae (the rail family): several genera, especially Rallus, and numerous species. The rail family also includes the crakes, gallinules, moorhens, and coots
• 秧鸡科:数属,尤指秧鸡属,多种。秧鸡科还包括长脚秧鸡、水鸡、黑水鸡和白骨顶
1. late Middle English: from Old Northern French raille, perhaps of imitative origin

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