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rain n.雨;雨天;下雨 vi.下雨 vt.使大量落下

/ rein /

1. [mass noun] the condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops
• 雨,雨水
 »the rain had not stopped for days.
 »it's pouring with rain.
  (rains)falls of rain
• 降雨
 »the plants were washed away by some unusually heavy rains.
  [in sing.] a large or overwhelming quantity of things that fall or descend
• (降雨般的)一阵;(大量的)降落物;倾泻物
 »he fell under the rain of blows.
1. [no obj.] (it rains, it is raining, etc.)rain falls
• 下雨
 »it was beginning to rain.
  (poetic/literary)(of the sky, the clouds, etc.) send down rain
[诗/文] (天空、云团等)降雨
  [with adverbial of direction] (of objects) fall in large or overwhelming quantities
• (物体)如雨般降下,大量降下;倾泻
 »bombs rained down.
  [with obj.] (it rains —, it is raining —, etc.)used to convey that a specified thing is falling in large or overwhelming quantities
[用来表示特定物如雨般降下] 大量降下;倾泻
 »it was just raining glass.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] send down in large or overwhelming quantities
• 使如雨下,使大量降下;使倾泻
 »she rained blows on to him.
be as right as rain
1. (of a person) be perfectly fit and well
• (人)非常健康;毫无问题
it never rains but it pours --› see pour
rain cats and dogs
1. rain very hard
• 大雨倾盆,大雨滂沱
rain on someone's parade
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)prevent someone from enjoying an occasion or event; spoil someone's plans
[非正式,主北美] 使扫兴;破坏某人的计划
(come) rain or shine
1. whether it rains or not
• 不论晴雨;无论如何
 »he runs six miles every morning, rain or shine.
rainless adjective
rain something off (或美
1. [一般作 be rained off] cause an event to be terminated or cancelled because of rain
• 因雨终止(或中断);使因雨取消(或改期)
 »the match was rained off.
1. Old English regn (noun), regnian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch regen and German Regen

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