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raise vt.提出,发起,发出

/ reiz /

verb, [with obj.]
1. lift or move to a higher position or level
• 举起;把…往上提,使升高
 »she raised both arms above her head.
 »his flag was raised over the city.
  lift or move to a vertical position; set upright
• 竖起,扶直
 »Melody managed to raise him to his feet.
  construct or build (a structure)
• 建造(构筑物)
 »a fence was being raised around the property.
  cause to rise or form
• 唤起;引起,惹起,激起;扬起
 »the galloping horse raised a cloud of dust.
  bring to the surface (a ship that has sunk)
• 打捞(沉船)至水面
  cause (bread) to rise, especially by the action of yeast
• 使(面包)发酵
  [usu. as adj. raised] cause (pastry) to stand without support
• 使(酥皮面团)成形
  make a (nap) on cloth
• 使布起(绒毛)
2. increase the amount, level, or strength of
• 提高,增大
 »the bank raised interest rates.
 »the aim was to raise awareness of the plight of the homeless.
  promote (someone) to a higher rank
• 提升,提拔
 »the king raised him to the title of Count Torre Bella.
  [usu. as noun raising] [Linguistics] (in transformational grammar) move (a noun phrase) out of a subordinate clause and into a main clause under certain conditions
[语言学] (转换语法用语)在一定条件下把(名词短语)由从句转至主句
  (raise something to)[Mathematics] multiply a quantity to (a specified power)
[数] 使自乘
 »3 raised to the 7th power is 2,187.
  [with two objs] (in poker or brag) bet (a specified amount) more than (another player)
• (扑克牌或勃莱格牌用语)比(另一下注人)多下(特定数量赌注)
 »I'll raise you another hundred dollars.
  [with obj.] [Bridge] make a higher bid in the same suit as that bid by (one's partner)
[桥牌] 对(同伴叫牌)进行加叫
  [with obj.] increase (a bid) in this way
• 加叫(叫牌)
3. cause to be heard, considered, or discussed
• 使被听见;使被考虑,使得到讨论
 »doubts have been raised about the future of the reprocessing plant.
  cause to occur, appear, or be felt
• 使发生,使出现;使被感觉到
 »recent sightings have raised hopes that otters are making a return.
  generate (an invoice or other document)
• 开具(发货单或其他单据)
4. collect, levy, or bring together (money or resources)
• 筹集,募集(钱款,资源)
 »it is hoped that the event will raise £50,000.
5. (chiefly N. Amer.)bring up (a child)
[主北美] 养育,教养(幼儿)
 »he was born and raised in San Francisco.
  breed or grow (animals or plants)
• 喂养(动物);种植(植物)
 »they raised pigs and kept a pony.
6. bring (someone) back from death
• 使复活
 »God raised Jesus from the dead.
7. abandon or force an enemy to abandon (a siege, blockade, or embargo)
• 解除(或迫使敌人撤除)(包围,封锁,禁运)
8. drive (an animal) from its lair
• 把(动物)从窝里赶出
 »the jack rabbit was only 250 yards from where he first raised it.
  cause (a ghost or spirit) to appear
• 使(鬼魂)出现;招来(神灵)
 »the piece raises the ghosts of a number of twentieth-century art ideas.
  [Brit. informal] establish contact with (someone), especially by telephone or radio
[英,非正式] (尤指用电话或无线电)跟…取得联系
 »I raised him on the open line.
  (of someone at sea) come in sight of (land or another ship)
• (海上人员)驶近能看见(陆地或其他船只)的地方
 »they raised the low coast by evening.
9. [Immunology] stimulate production of (an antiserum, antibody, or other biologically active substance) against the appropriate target cell or substance
[免疫] 刺激(抗血清、抗体等)生成
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)an increase in salary
[主北美] (工资或薪金的)提升,增加
 »he wants a raise and some perks.
2. (in poker or brag) an increase in a stake
• (扑克牌或勃莱格牌用语)赌注加码
  [Bridge] a higher bid in the suit that one's partner has bid
[桥牌] (对同伴叫牌进行的)加叫
3. [usu. with adj. or noun modifier] [Weightlifting] an act of lifting or raising a part of the body while holding a weight
[举重] (持铃时)提,举
 »bent-over raises.
raise Cain
--› see Cain
raise the devil
1. [informal] make a noisy disturbance
[非正式] 闹事;喧闹;兴风作浪
raise one's eyebrows --› see eyebrow
raise one's glass
1. drink a toast
• 举杯祝酒
 »I raised my glass to Susan.
raise one's hand
1. strike or seem to be about to strike someone
• (好像)要打,打
 »she raised her hand to me.
raise one's hat
1. briefly remove one's hat as a gesture of courtesy or respect to someone
• 脱帽致敬
raise hell
1. [informal] make a noisy disturbance
[非正式] 闹事;喧闹;兴风作浪
  complain vociferously
• 吵闹,抱怨
 »he raised hell with real estate developers and polluters.
raise hob --› see hob
raise a laugh
1. make people laugh
• 引人发笑,使人发笑
raise the roof
1. make or cause someone else to make a great deal of noise, especially through cheering
• 喧闹不休;闹翻了天;吵翻了天
 »when I finally scored the fans raised the roof.
raise one's voice
1. speak more loudly
• 抬高声音;大声疾呼
  begin to speak or sing
• 开始说(或唱)
raisable adjective
raiser noun
1. Middle English: from Old Norse reisa; related to the verb rear

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