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rally n.&vt.&vi.(重新)集合

/ 5rAli /

(-ies, -ied), [no obj.]
1. (of troops) come together again in order to continue fighting after a defeat or dispersion
• (军队)重新集合,重整,重整旗鼓
 »De Montfort's troops rallied and drove back the king's infantry.
  [with obj.] bring together (forces) again in order to continue fighting
• 重新集合,重整(军队)
 »the king escaped to Perth to rally his own forces.
  assemble in a mass meeting
• 集合
 »up to 50,000 people rallied in the city centre.
  come together in order to support a person or cause or for concerted action
• (为支持人或事业,或为集体行动)集结;扶助,支持
 »[with infinitive] colleagues rallied round to help Ann.
  [with obj.] bring together (forces or support) in such a way
• 召集,集合,集结(军队);联合(支持)
 »a series of meetings to rally support for the union.
  (of a person) recover their health, spirits, or poise
• (人)恢复健康(或精神;)重新振作
 »she floundered for a moment, then rallied again.
  [with obj.] revive (a person or their health or spirits)
• 使(人)重新振作(或恢复元气);使(健康,精神)恢复(或复元)
 »they rallied her with a drink.
  (of share, currency, or commodity prices) increase after a fall
• (股票,货币,商品价格)跌停回升,降后复涨
 »prices of metals such as aluminium and copper have rallied.
2. drive in a rally
• 参加汽车拉力赛
(pl. -ies)
1. a mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause
• (为政治抗议或支持某一事业而举行的)群众集会,群众大会
 »a rally attended by around 100,000 people.
  an open-air event for people who own a particular kind of vehicle
• (拥有特种车辆者举行的)竞赛(或活动)
 »a traction engine rally.
2. a competition for motor vehicles in which they are driven a long distance over public roads or rough terrain, typically in several stages
• 汽车拉力赛
 »[as modifier] a rally driver.
3. a quick or marked recovery after a reverse or a period of weakness
• (受挫或衰退后的)迅速(或显著)恢复
 »the market staged a late rally.
4. (in tennis and other racket sports) an extended exchange of strokes between players
• (网球及其他使用球拍的运动)对打,往返拍击
rallier noun
rallyist noun
1. [限名词义项 2]
1. early 17th cent. (in the sense 'bring together again'): from French rallier, from re- 'again' + allier 'to ally'
(-ies, -ied)
1. [with obj.] (archaic)subject (someone) to good-humoured ridicule; tease
[古] 对…善意打趣;嘲笑,挖苦
 »he rallied her on the length of her pigtail.
1. mid 17th cent.: from French railler 'to rib, tease' (see rail )

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