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remit v 汇款;饶恕(re再+mit→[把钱]再送出去→汇款)

/ rI5mIt /

(remitted, remitting), [with obj.]
1. cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment)
• 免除(债务,处罚)
 »the excess of the sentence over 12 months was remitted.
  [Theology] pardon (a sin)
[神学] 赦(罪)
2. send (money) in payment or as a gift
• 汇(款)
 »the income they remitted to their families.
3. refer (a matter for decision) to some authority
• 将(有待决定的事务)提交
 »the request for an investigation was remitted to a special committee.
  [Law] send back (a case) to a lower court
[律] 将(案件)发回下级法院重审
  [Law] send (someone) from one tribunal to another for a trial or hearing
[律] 将(某人)转到另一法院审判(或听证)
  (archaic)consign again to a previous state
[古] 使恢复原状
 »thus his indiscretion remitted him to the nature of an ordinary person.
4. (rare)postpone
[罕] 推迟
 »the movers refused Mr Tierney's request to remit the motion.
  [no obj.] (archaic)diminish
[古] 减少,减弱
 »phobias may remit spontaneously without any treatment.
1. the task or area of activity officially assigned to an individual or organization
• 委托权限;职权范围
 »the committee was becoming caught up in issues that did not fall within its remit.
2. an item referred to someone for consideration
• 提交审议的事项
remittable adjective
remittal noun
remitter noun
1. late Middle English: from Latin remittere 'send back, restore', from re- 'back' + mittere 'send'. The noun dates from the early 20th cent

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