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resolution 决议

/ 7rezE5lu:FEn /

1. a firm decision to do or not to do something
• 决心,决定
 »she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more.
 »a New Year's resolution.
  a formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body, committee, or other formal meeting, typically after taking a vote
• (立法机构、委员会等通常经表决的)正式决定,决议
 »the conference passed two resolutions.
  [mass noun] the quality of being determined or resolute
• 坚决,果断
 »he handled the last British actions of the war with resolution.
2. [mass noun] the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter
• (问题、争论或争端)解决
 »the peaceful resolution of all disputes.
 »[count noun] a successful resolution to the problem.
  [Music] the passing of a discord into a concord during the course of changing harmony
[乐] 解决(指和声中不协和音向协和音的进行)
  [Medicine] the disappearance of inflammation, or of any symptom or condition
[医] (炎症或其他症状的)消散,消退
3. [mass noun] (chiefly Chemistry)the process of reducing or separating something into constituent parts or components
[主化] 分解
  [Physics] the replacing of a single force or other vector quantity by two or more jointly equivalent to it
[物理] (力或其他矢量)分解
  the conversion of something abstract into another form
• (抽象事物)转换
  [Prosody] the substitution of two short syllables for one long one
[诗韵] 两短音节对一长音节的代替
4. the smallest interval measurable by a scientific (especially optical) instrument; the resolving power
• (光学仪器等的)分辨率;分辨能力
  the degree of detail visible in a photographic or television image
• (照片,电视图像)清晰度
1. late Middle English: from Latin resolutio(n-), from resolvere 'loosen, release' (see resolve )

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