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retrograde 后退,倒退(retro+grade走→向后走)

/ 5retrE7greId /

1. directed or moving backwards
• 向后的,后退的
 »a retrograde flow.
  reverting to an earlier and inferior condition
• 倒退的,退化的
 »to go back on the progress that has been made would be a retrograde step.
  (of the order of something) reversed; inverse
• (顺序)逆序的,颠倒的
 »the retrograde form of these inscriptions.
  (of amnesia) involving the period immediately preceding the causal event
• (健忘症)逆行性的
  [Geology] (of a metamorphic change) resulting from a decrease in temperature or pressure
[地质] (变质作用)退化的
  [Astronomy & Astrology] (of the apparent motion of a planet) in a reverse direction from normal (from east to west), resulting from the relative orbital progress of the earth and the planet
[天文,占星] (行星的视运动)逆行的。
【OPP】 prograde
  [Astronomy] (of the orbit or rotation of a planet or planetary satellite) in a reverse direction from that normal in the solar system
[天文] (行星或其卫星的轨道运行或自转)逆行的
1. (rare)a degenerate person
[罕] 堕落的人
verb, [no obj.]
1. (archaic)go back in position or time
[古] 向后移动,后退;退回(到从前)
 »our history must retrograde for the space of a few pages.
  revert to an earlier and usually inferior condition
• 倒退,退化
 »people cannot habitually trample on law and justice without retrograding toward barbarism.
2. [Astronomy] show retrogradation
[天文] 出现逆行现象
 »all the planets will at some time appear to retrograde.
retrogradely adverb
1. (rare 罕)
1. late Middle English (as a term in astronomy): from Latin retrogradus, from retro 'backwards' + gradus 'step' (from gradi 'to walk')

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