/ ri5vEult /
◙ verb1. [no obj.] rise in rebellion• 反叛,造反,起义 »the Iceni revolted and had to be suppressed. 爱西尼人发动起义,必须出兵镇压。 refuse to acknowledge someone or something as having authority• 反抗,违抗 »voters may revolt when they realize the cost of the measures. 当选民意识到措施的代价时,他们可能会反抗。 [as adj. revolted] (archaic)having rebelled or revolted• [古] 已反叛的;叛乱中的 »the emperor was leading an expedition against the revolted Bretons. 皇帝正率兵征讨叛乱中的布列塔尼人。2. [with obj.] [常作 be revolted] cause to feel disgust• 使厌恶,使反感 »he was revolted by the stench that greeted him. 扑面而来的恶臭使他厌恶。 »[as adj. revolting] revolting green scum. 令人生厌的绿色浮渣。 [no obj.] (archaic)feel strong disgust• [古] 厌恶,反感 »'tis just the main assumption reason most revolts at. 理性最难容的就是这主要假设。◙ noun1. an attempt to put an end to the authority of a person or body by rebelling• 反叛,叛乱,起义 »a country-wide revolt against the central government. 反对中央政府的全国起义。 »[mass noun] the peasants rose in revolt. 农民们揭竿而起。 a refusal to continue to obey or conform• 反抗,违抗 »a revolt over tax increases. 对提高税收的反抗。【派生】
♦ revoltingly adverb【语源】
1. mid 16th cent.: from French révolte (noun), révolter (verb), from Italian rivoltare, based on Latin revolvere 'roll back' (see revolve )