◙ adjective1. having a great deal of money or assets; wealthy • 有钱的,富的 »most of these artists are already quite rich. 这些艺术家中大部分人已经相当有钱。 »[as plural noun the rich] every day the split between the rich and the poor widens. 富人和穷人之间的分化每天都在加剧。 (of a country or region) having valuable natural resources or a successful economy• (国家或地区)资源丰富的;经济富饶的 of expensive materials or workmanship; demonstrating wealth• (原料或工艺)昂贵的;显示富有的 »rich mahogany furniture. 昂贵的红木家具。 generating wealth; valuable • 生财的;宝贵的 »not all footballers enjoy rich rewards from the game. 并不是所有足球运动员都从这项运动中捞到大笔好处。2. plentiful ; abundant • 丰饶的;丰富的 »China's rich and diverse mammalian fauna. 中国种类繁多的哺乳动物群。 having (a particular thing) in large amounts• 富有(特定物质)的 »many vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidant vitamins. 许多蔬菜和水果含有丰富的抗氧化的维生素。 »[in combination] a protein-rich diet. 蛋白质含量丰富的饮食。 (of food) containing a large amount of fat, spices, sugar, etc• (食物)油腻的;味浓的;特甜的 »dishes with wonderfully rich sauces. 浇了又浓又油调味汁的菜肴。 (of drink) full-bodied• (酒)醇厚的,浓郁的 »a rich and hoppy best bitter. 醇厚的、酒花味浓的上佳苦啤酒。 (of the mixture in an internal-combustion engine) containing a high proportion of fuel• (内燃机内的混合燃料)可燃性成分高的 (of a colour or sound) pleasantly deep and strong• (颜色)浓艳的,鲜艳的;(声音)深沉的,洪亮的 »his rich bass voice. 他深沉的男低音嗓子。 (of a smell or taste) pleasantly smooth and mellow• (气味或味道)馥郁的,香喷喷的 »basmati rice has a rich aroma. 印度香米有馥郁的香味。 (figurative)interesting because full of diversity or complexity• [喻] 丰富多彩的 »what a full, rich life you lead!. 你的生活多么丰富多彩啊!。3. producing a large quantity of something• 盛产的,丰产的 »novels have always been a rich source of material for the film industry. 小说一直是电影业丰富的素材来源。 (of soil or a piece of land) having the properties necessary to produce fertile growth• (土壤,土地)肥沃的 (of a mine or mineral deposit) yielding a large quantity or proportion of precious metal• (矿,矿藏)富的,含量丰富的4. [informal] (of a remark) causing ironic amusement or indignation• [非正式] (话语)逗人的;荒唐的;使人气愤的 »these comments are a bit rich coming from a woman with no money worries. 这些话从不缺钱的女人嘴里说出来有点好笑。【派生】
♦ richness noun【语源】
1. Old English rīce 'powerful, wealthy', of Germanic origin, related to Dutch rijk and German reich; ultimately from Celtic; reinforced in Middle English by Old French riche 'rich, powerful'