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ride v.骑(马、自行车、摩托车等);乘(公共汽车)

/ raid /

(past rode ; past participle ridden ), [with obj.]
1. sit on and control the movement of (an animal, especially a horse), typically as a recreation or sport
• 骑(动物,尤指马,作为消遣或运动)
 »Diana went to watch him ride his horse.
 »[no obj.] I haven't ridden much since the accident.
  [no obj., with adverbial] travel on a horse or other animal
• 乘骑(马等)旅行
 »we rode on horseback.
 »some of the officers were riding back.
  sit on and control (a bicycle or motorcycle) for recreation or as a means of transport
• 骑(自行车,摩托车)
 »he rode a Harley Davidson across the United States.
  [no obj.] (ride in/on)travel in or on (a vehicle) as a passenger
• 乘(车)
 »I started riding on the buses.
  (chiefly N. Amer.)travel in (a vehicle) or on (a public transport system) as a passenger
[主北美] 乘(车);搭乘(公交)
 »she rides the bus across 42nd Street.
  go through or over (an area) on horseback, a bicycle, etc
• 骑马(或自行车等)经过(某一地区)
 »ride the full length of the Ridgeway.
  compete in (a race) on horseback or on a bicycle or motorcycle
• (骑马或车)参赛
 »I rode a good race.
  [N. Amer.] travel up or down in (a lift)
[北美] 乘(电梯)
 »the astronauts rode elevators to the launch pad.
 »[noobj.] we ride up in the elevator, chatting lightly.
  [S. African] transport (goods)
[南非] 运输(货物)
 »neighbours rode loads of prickly pear to feed their animals.
  [no obj., with adverbial or complement] (of a vehicle, animal, racetrack, etc.) be of a particular character for riding on or in
• (车辆、牲口、跑道等)适于乘坐
 »the Metro rode as well as some cars of twice the price.
  [informal] transport (someone) in a vehicle
[非正式] 开车载
 »the taxi driver who rode Kale into the airport not long ago.
2. [with obj.] be carried or supported by (something with a great deal of momentum)
• 被(冲力巨大的东西)带走,借助于
 »a stream of young surfers fighting the elements to ride the waves.
 »the fund rode the growth boom in the 1980s.
  [no obj.] project or overlap
• 突伸,重叠
 »when two lithospheric plates collide, one tends to ride over the other.
  [no obj.] (of a vessel) sail or float
• (船)航行;漂,泊
 »a large cedar barque rode at anchor.
  [no obj., with adverbial of place] float or seem to float
• 浮,似悬浮
 »the moon was riding high in the sky.
  yield to (a blow) so as to reduce its impact
• 顺势退躲以缓冲(来拳)
 »Harrison drew back his jaw as if riding the blow.
  (vulgar slang)have sexual intercourse with
[粗俚] 与…性交
  (of a supernatural being) take spiritual possession of (someone)
• (超自然物)附身
  [N. Amer.] annoy, pester, or tease
[北美] 骚扰,纠缠;嘲弄,数落
 »if you don't give all the kids a chance to play, the parents ride you.
3. (be ridden)be full of or dominated by
• 充满;被…所支配
 »you must not think him ridden with angst.
 »[as adj., in combination -ridden] the crime-ridden streets.
1. a journey made on horseback, on a bicycle or motorcycle, or in a vehicle
• 乘骑旅行,搭乘旅行
 »I hitched a ride.
 »investors have had a bumpy ride.
  [N. Amer.] a person giving someone a lift in their vehicle
[北美] 搭载别人者
 »their ride into town had dropped them off near the bridge.
  [US informal] a motor vehicle
[美,非正式] 机动车辆
  the quality of comfort or smoothness offered by a vehicle while it is being driven, as perceived by the driver or passenger
• (车辆的)行驶质量;乘坐感觉
 »the ride is comfortable, though there is a slight roll when cornering.
  a path, typically one through woods, for horse riding
• (尤指林中的)骑马道
  [Canadian] a demonstration of horse riding as an entertainment
[加] 骑马表演(一种娱乐形式)
2. a roller coaster, roundabout, or other amusement ridden at a fair or amusement park
• 使用(供人玩乐的)乘坐装置(如过山车、旋转木马等)
3. (vulgar slang)an act of sexual intercourse
[粗俚] 性交,交媾
  a sexually attractive person
• 性感的人
4. (也作 ride cymbal)a cymbal used for keeping up a continuous rhythm
• 节奏钹
be riding for a fall
1. [informal] be acting in a reckless or arrogant way that invites defeat or failure
[非正式] 因莽撞(或傲慢)行动招致失败;自讨苦吃;自找麻烦
for the ride
1. for pleasure or interest, rather than any serious purpose
• 寻开心,出于兴趣
 »Chris didn't fit in with the rest of them, but was thrilled to be along for the ride.
let something ride
1. take no immediate action over something
• 听任自然发展
ride the clutch
1. partially depress the clutch pedal of a vehicle while driving
• (驾车时)半踩离合器踏板
ride herd on
1. [N. Amer.] keep watch over
[北美] 看管,严密控制
 »a man to ride herd on this frenetically paced enterprise.
ride high
1. be successful
• 大获成功
 »the economy will be riding high on the top of the next boom.
ride the pine (或 bench)
1. [N. Amer. informal] (of an athlete) sit on the sidelines rather than participate in a game or event
[北美,非正式] (运动员)做替补,坐冷板凳
ride the rods (或 rails)
1. [Canadian, informal] ride on a freight train surreptitiously without paying
[加,非正式] 逃票偷乘运货火车
ride roughshod over
1. carry out one's own plans or wishes with arrogant disregard for (others or their wishes)
• (不顾别人)盛气凌人一意孤行
 »he rode roughshod over everyone else's opinions.
— rides again
1. used to indicate that someone or something has reappeared unexpectedly and with new vigour
• (人或事物)出人意料地以新的活力重新出现
ride shotgun
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)travel as a guard in the seat next to the driver of a vehicle
[主北美] 押车
  ride in the passenger seat of a vehicle
• 坐在乘客位置搭乘
  (figurative)act as a protector
[喻] 当保卫者
 »The Times found itself to be riding shotgun for the Red Army.
ride to hounds
1. (chiefly Brit.)go fox-hunting on horseback
[主英] 骑马猎狐
a rough (或 easy) ride
1. a difficult (or easy) time doing something
• 艰难(或顺畅)的进程
 »the prime minister was given a rough ride by left-wing MPs yesterday.
take someone for a ride
1. [informal] deceive or cheat someone
[非正式] 诈骗,欺骗
rideable adjective
1. (也作 ridable)
1. Old English rīdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch rijden and German reiten
ride someone down
1. trample or overtake someone while on horseback
• 骑马撞倒某人;骑马超过某人
ride on
1. depend on
• 依靠
 »there is a great deal of money riding on the results of these studies.
ride something out
1. come safely through something, especially a storm or a period of danger or difficulty
• 安然渡过(尤指风暴、危险或困难)
 »the fleet had ridden out the storm.
ride up
1. (of a garment) gradually work or move upwards out of its proper position
• (衣服)向上拱,往上皱起
 »her skirt had ridden up.

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