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ripple n.涟漪,细浪,波纹

/ 5ripl /

1. a small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, especially as caused by a slight breeze or an object dropping into it
• (尤指由微风或投入水中之物而起的)涟漪,微波,细浪
  a thing resembling such a wave or series of waves in appearance or movement
• 波纹;波动
 »the sand undulated and was ridged with ripples.
  a gentle rising and falling sound, especially of laughter or conversation, that spreads through a group of people
• 忽起忽落声,轻柔起伏声(尤指人群中的笑声或谈话声)
 »a ripple of laughter ran around the room.
  a particular feeling or effect that spreads through or to someone or something
• 特殊感觉;微小影响;微小反响
 »his words set off a ripple of excitement within her.
  [Physics] a wave on a fluid surface, the restoring force for which is provided by surface tension rather than gravity, and which consequently has a wavelength shorter than that corresponding to the minimum speed of propagation
[物理] 波纹,表面张力波
  [mass noun] small periodic, usually undesirable, variations in electrical voltage superposed on a direct voltage or on an alternating voltage of lower frequency
• 脉动,波动
2. [mass noun] a type of ice cream with wavy lines of coloured flavoured syrup running through it
• 波纹冰淇淋(一种有彩色糖浆条纹的冰淇淋)
 »a family block of raspberry ripple.
1. [no obj.] (of water) form or flow with small waves on the surface
• (水)起涟漪;起微波
 »the Mediterranean rippled and sparkled.
 »[as adj. rippling] the rippling waters.
  [with obj.] cause (the surface of water) to form small waves
• 使(水面)起涟漪;使起微波
 »a cool wind rippled the surface of the estuary.
  move or cause to move in a way resembling such waves[no obj.]
• (使)波动;(使)呈波状
 »fields of grain rippling in the wind.
 »[with obj.] which film star once rippled his biceps in Belfast?
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a sound or feeling) spread through a person, group, or place
• (声音)轻轻荡漾;(感觉)传开
 »applause rippled around the tables.
ripplet noun
ripply adjective
1. late 17th cent. (as a verb): of unknown origin

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