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road n.道路,公路;途径

/ rEud /

1. a wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially prepared surface which vehicles can use
• 路,道路;公路
  the part of such a way intended for vehicles, especially in contrast to a verge or pavement
• 车行道
  [with modifier] (historical)a regular trade route for a particular commodity
[史] 贸易路线
 »the Silk Road across Asia to the West.
  [Mining] an underground passage or gallery in a mine
[矿] 地下巷道;地下横向坑道
  [N. Amer.] a railroad
[北美] 铁路
  [Brit.] a railway track, especially as clear (or otherwise) for a train to proceed
[英] (列车可通行的)无障碍铁路路轨;特殊情况铁路路轨
 »they waited for a clear road at Hellifield Junction.
2. (figurative)a series of events or a course of action that will lead to a particular outcome
[喻] (导致某个结果的)系列事件;过程
 »he's well on the road to recovery.
  a particular course or direction taken or followed
• 路线;行动方向;行事方式
 »the low road of apathy and alienation.
3. [often in place names] [一般作 roads] a partly sheltered stretch of water near the shore in which ships can ride at anchor
• 近岸锚地,港外锚地
 »Boston Roads.
by road
1. in or on a road vehicle
• 由公路;乘车
down the road
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)in the future
[非正式,主北美] 在将来,今后
the end of the road --› see end
hit the road --› see hit
in (或 out of) the (或 one's) road
1. [often in imperative] [informal] in (or out of) someone's way
[非正式] 挡(不挡)(某人的)路;妨碍(不妨碍)(某人)
one for the road
1. [informal] a final drink, especially an alcoholic one, before leaving for home
[非正式] 临回家之前喝的最后一杯饮料(尤指酒)
on the road
1. on a long journey or series of journeys, especially as part of one's job as a sales representative or a performer
• 在旅途中(尤指推销员在巡回兜售中;表演者在巡回演出中)
  (of a person) without a permanent home and moving from place to place
• (人)在流浪,没有固定的家
2. (of a car) in use; able to be driven
• (车辆)在行驶;开得动
  [常作 on-the-road] (of or with reference to the price of a motor vehicle) including the cost of licence plates, tax, etc., so the vehicle is fully ready for use on public roads
• 可上路的(指汽车价格已包括牌照费及税费等在内,一旦购车款项付清,车辆即可上路行驶)
 »we found on-the-road prices from £5,780 to £6,151.
a road to nowhere --› see nowhere
take to the road (或 take the road)
1. set out on a journey or series of journeys
• 动身;起程
roadless adjective
1. Old English rād 'journey on horseback', 'foray'; of Germanic origin; related to the verb ride

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