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rock n.岩石,石头 v.摇,摇动;使震动,使震惊

/ rCk /

1. [mass noun] the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil
• 岩石;岩
  [count noun] a mass of such material projecting above the earth's surface or out of the sea
• 岩块;石块;礁石,暗礁
 »there are dangerous rocks around the island.
  [count noun] [Geology] any natural material, hard or soft (e.g. clay), having a distinctive mineral composition
[地质] 矿石,矿砂
  (the Rock)Gibraltar
• 直布罗陀
  (the Rock). informal name for Newfoundland
• 岩岛(Newfoundland的别称)
2. a large piece of such material which has become detached from a cliff or mountain; a boulder
• 巨石;砾石;卵石
 »the stream flowed through a jumble of rocks.
  a stone of any size, especially one small enough to be picked up and used as a projectile
• 石子
  [mass noun] [Brit.] a kind of hard confectionery in the form of cylindrical peppermint-flavoured sticks
[英] (胡椒薄荷味)圆筒硬棒糖
  [informal] a precious stone, especially a diamond
[非正式] 宝石(尤指钻石)
  [informal] a small piece of crack cocaine
[非正式] 石毒,强效可卡因块
  (rocks)(vulgar slang)a man's testicles
[粗俚] 睾丸
3. used in similes and metaphors to refer to someone or something that is extremely strong, reliable, or hard
• 强壮的人;坚如磐石的事物;可靠的人(或事物);冷酷无情的人;强硬的事物
 »the Irish scrum has been as solid as a rock.
  [一般作 rocks] (especially with allusion to shipwrecks) a source of danger or destruction
• (尤指沉船事故的)隐患,祸根;危险的源头
 »the new system is heading for the rocks.
4. (rocks)[US informal, dated] money
[美,非正式,旧] 钱财
between a rock and a hard place
1. [informal] in a situation where one is faced with two equally difficult alternatives
[非正式] 左右为难,进退两难
get one's rocks off
1. (vulgar slang)have an orgasm
[粗俚] 达到性高潮
  obtain pleasure or satisfaction
• 感到兴奋;获得满足
on the rocks
[informal 非正式]
1. (of a relationship or enterprise) experiencing difficulties and likely to fail
• (关系)濒于破裂的;濒临毁灭的;完蛋;(企业)遇经济困难的;(濒于)破产的
2. (of a drink) served undiluted and with ice cubes
• (饮料)未搀杂、加有冰块的
rockless adjective
rock-like adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French rocque, from medieval Latin rocca, of unknown ultimate origin
1. [with obj.] cause (someone or something) to move gently to and fro or from side to side
• 轻轻摇动,使轻轻摆动,使轻轻晃动
 »she rocked the baby in her arms.
  [no obj.] move in such a way
• 轻摇,轻摆,轻晃
 »the vase rocked back and forth on its base.
 »[as adj. rocking] the rocking movement of the boat.
  (with reference to a building or region) shake or cause to shake or vibrate, especially because of an impact, earthquake, or explosion
• (尤指由于撞击、地震或爆炸)(使)(建筑物,地区)剧烈震动;(使)摇晃
 »[with obj.] a terrorist blast rocked a Tube station.
 »[no obj.] the building began to rock on its foundations.
  cause great shock or distress to (someone or something), especially so as to weaken or destabilize them or it
• (尤指为削弱某人或某物的力量或破坏其稳定)使震惊;使苦恼;使不安
 »diplomatic upheavals that rocked the British Empire.
2. [no obj.] [informal] dance to or play rock music
[非正式] 跳摇滚舞;奏摇滚乐
  (figurative)(of a place) have an atmosphere of excitement or much social activity
[喻] 欢欣雀跃,热闹非凡
 »the new town really rocks.
 »[asadj. rocking] a rocking resort.
1. [mass noun] rock music
• 摇滚乐
 »[as modifier] a rock star.
  rock and roll
• 摇滚乐;摇滚舞
2. [in sing] a gentle movement to and fro or from side to side
• 轻轻摇动,轻轻摇摆,轻轻摇晃
 »she placed the baby in the cot and gave it a rock.
rock the boat --› see boat
1. late Old English roccian, probably from a Germanic base meaning 'remove, move'; related to Dutch rukken 'jerk, tug' and German rücken 'move'. The noun dates from the early 19th cent
rock out
1. [informal] perform rock music loudly and vigorously
[非正式] 如痴如狂地奏摇滚乐
  enjoy oneself in an enthusiastic and uninhibited way, especially by dancing to rock music
• 如痴如狂地跳摇滚舞

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