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/ ru:f /

(pl. roofs)
1. the structure forming the upper covering of a building or vehicle
• (建筑物,车)顶,顶部;屋顶;顶盖
  the top inner surface of a covered area or space; the ceiling
• 天花板;车顶;洞顶;穹顶
 »the roof of the cave fell in.
  the upper limit or level of prices or wages
• (价格,工资)最高限度,上限
 »starting salary £12,185, rising to a roof of £16,835.
  used to signify a house or other building, especially in the context of hospitality or shelter
• 房屋;住处;家;栖身处
 »helping those without a roof over their heads.
 »they slept under the same roof.
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be roofed] cover with a roof
• 给…盖上屋顶
 »the yard had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron.
  function as the roof of
• 起屋顶作用;覆遮,遮蔽
 »fan vaults roof these magnificent buildings.
go through the roof
[informal 非正式]
1. (of prices or figures) reach extreme or unexpected heights
• (价格,数目)涨到最高限度;高得离谱;突破上限
2. another way of saying hit the roof
• 同 hit the roof
hit (或 go through) the roof
1. [informal] suddenly become very angry
[非正式] 勃然大怒;暴跳如雷
raise the roof --› see raise
the roof of the world
1. a nickname given to the Himalayas
• 世界屋脊(喜马拉雅山的别称)
roofless adjective
1. Old English hrōf, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse hróf 'boat shed', Dutch roef 'deckhouse'. English alone has the general sense 'covering of a house'; other Germanic languages use forms related to thatch

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