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round a.圆的 prep.围绕 ad.在周围 n.一周 v.绕行

/ raund /

1. shaped like or approximarely like a circle or cylinder
• 圆形的;圆柱形的;近似圆形的;近似圆柱形的
 »she was seated at a small, round table.
  having a curved shape like part of the circumference of a circle
• 弧形的,半圆的
 »round brackets.
  (of a person's shoulders) bent forward from the line of the back
• (人)圆肩的
2. shaped like or approximately like a sphere
• 球形的;近似球形的
 »a round glass ball.
 »the grapes are small and round.
  (of a person's body) plump
• (人的身体)丰满的,滚圆的;圆而胖的
  having a curved surface with no sharp or jaggedprojections
• (表面)无角无齿的,弯曲的,曲线形的
 »the boulders look round and smooth.
  (figurative)(of a voice) rich and mellow; not harsh
[喻] (声音)圆润的
3. [attrib.] (of a number) altered for convenience of expression or calculation, for example to the nearest whole number or multiple of ten or five
• (为数字计算及表示方便起见)用整数表示的;(用10或5的倍数等)约整数表示的
 »the size of the fleet is given in round numbers.
  (of a number) convenient for calculation, typically through being a multiple of ten
• (尤指数字为10的倍数而)方便计算的
  used to show that a figure has been completely and exactly reached
• (数字)完整精确的,完全的,十足的
 »the batsman made a round 100.
 »a round dozen.
  (archaic)(of a sum of money) considerable
[古] (钱)大量的,可观的
 »his business is worth a round sum to me.
4. (archaic)(of a person or their manner of speaking) not omitting or disguising anything; frank and truthful
[古] (人或其说话方式)率直的,直言不讳的;坦率的,耿直的
 »she berated him in good round terms.
1. a circular piece of a particular substance
• 圆形物;环状物;圆柱状物;球状物
 »cut the pastry into rounds.
  a thick disc of beef cut from the haunch as a joint
• 牛股肉,牛大腿肉
2. an act of visiting each of a number of people or places
• (对许多人或地方的访问中的)一次;一轮
 »she did the rounds of her family to say goodbye.
 »he made the rounds of the city's churches.
  a tour of inspection, typically repeated regularly, in which the safety or well-being of those visited is checked
• 巡行;巡视;巡逻;巡诊
 »the doctor is just making his rounds in the wards.
  (chiefly Brit.)a journey along a fixed route delivering goods as part of one's job or a job involving such journeys
[主英] 递送路线;沿固定路线送货
 »I did a newspaper round.
3. one of a sequence of sessions or groups of related actions or events, typically such that development or progress can be seen between one group and another
• (一连串活动或事件中的)一次,一轮,一个回合
 »the two sides held three rounds of talks.
  a division of a contest such as a boxing or wrestling match
• (拳击或摔跤等比赛中的)回合
  one of a succession of stages in a sporting contest or other competition, in each of which more candidates are eliminated
• (体育比赛或其他竞赛中的)一轮
 »the FA Cup first round.
  an act of playing all the holes in a golf course once
• 一场高尔夫球(指在高尔夫球场一次把球打进所有的穴)
 »Eileen enjoys the occasional round of golf.
4. a regularly recurring sequence of activities or functions
• (活动或工作的)一连串;一连串反复、经常的活动(或工作)
 »their lives were a daily round of housework and laundry.
  [Music] a song for three or more unaccompanied voices or parts, each singing the same theme but starting one after another, at the same pitch or in octaves; a simple canon
[乐] 轮唱曲
  a set of drinks bought for all the members of a group, typically as part of a sequence in which each member in turn buys such a set
• (酒的)一巡
 »it's my round.
5. a measured quantity or number of something, in particular
• 一份按标准定的量,尤指
  [Brit.] a slice of bread
[英] 一片面包
 »two rounds of toast.
  [Brit.] the quantity of sandwiches made from two slices of bread
[英] 整片三明治
  the amount of ammunition needed to fire one shot
• (弹药的)(一)发
  [Archery] a fixed number of arrows shot from a fixed distance
[射箭] (固定距离射出的)固定箭数
adverb, (chiefly Brit.)[主英]
1. with circular motion; so as to rotate or cause something to rotate
• 旋转地
 »she turned her glass round and round.
  so as to cover or take in the whole area surrounding a particular centre
• 围绕地
 »she paused to glance round admiringly at the décor.
  so as to reach everyone in a particular group or area
• 传遍;逐一,遍及
 »he passed round a newspaper cutting.
2. so as to rotate and face in the opposite direction
• 到反面
 »he swung round to face her.
  so as to lead in another direction
• 朝另一方向;到另一方向
 »it was the last house before the road curved round.
  used in describing the position of something, typically with regard to the direction in which it is facing or its relation to other items
• 朝反方向;在反方向
 »the picture shows the pieces the wrong way round.
  used to describe a situation in terms of the relation between people, actions, or events
• 相反(用以描述人、行为或事件之间的关系)
 »it was he who was attacking her, not the other way round.
3. so as to surround someone or something
• 围绕地;围住地;包围地
 »everyone crowded round.
 »a pool with banks all the way round.
4. (figurative)so as to give support and companionship
[喻] 围住地(目的在于给予支持和陪伴)
 »if one girl is distraught the others will rally round.
  used in stating the girth of something
• 以周长记(用以表示树的干围、腰身等的围长)
 »the trunk is nine feet round.
5. so as to reach a new place or position, typically by moving from one side of something to the other
• 绕道地;到某处
 »he made his way round to the back of the building.
 »they went the long way round by the main road.
  used to convey an ability to navigate or orientate oneself
• [用以表达行进或确定方向的能力]
 »I like pupils to find their own way round.
  [informal] used to convey the idea of visiting someone else
[非正式] 到某人处
 »why don't you come round to my flat?
6. used to suggest idle and purposeless motion or activity
• 在四处,到处;在各处
 »he was driving round aimlessly.
preposition, (chiefly Brit.)[主英]
1. on every side of (a focal point)
• 围绕,环绕;围绕在(活动的中心)
 »the area round the school.
 »with shifting sands all round me.
  (of something abstract) having (the thing mentioned) as a focus
• (抽象物)以…为中心
 »the text is built round real practical examples.
2. so as to encircle (someone or something), wholly or partially
• (部分或全部)围住,包围
 »he wrapped the blanket round him.
  (of a person's arm or arms) partially encircling (another person) as part of a gesture of affection
• (手臂)搂住(另一人)(作为喜爱的表示)
 »Angus put an arm round Flora and kissed her.
3. following an approximately circular route past (a corner or obstacle)
• 兜绕;绕过(拐角或障碍物)
 »a bus appeared round the corner.
  on the other side of (a corner or obstacle)
• 在(拐角或障碍物)的另一边
 »Steven parked the car round the corner.
  so as to hit (something) in passing
• 使撞上经过之物
 »if he didn't shut up he might get a clip round the ear.
4. so as to cover or take in the whole area of (a place)
• 在…各处;在…的四面八方
 »she went round the house and saw that all the windows were barred.
verb, [with obj.]
1. pass and go round (something) so as to move on in a changed direction
• 绕过,拐过
 »the ship rounded the cape and sailed north.
2. alter (a number) to one less exact but more convenient for calculations
• 把(数)四舍五入,凑整
 »we'll round the weight up to the nearest kilo.
 »the committee rounded down the figure.
3. give a round shape to
• 使成圆形,将…修圆
 »a lathe that rounded chair legs.
  [no obj.] become circular in shape
• 变圆
 »her eyes rounded in dismay.
  [Phonetics] pronounce (a vowel) with the lips narrowed and protruded
[语音] 以圆唇发(元音);使(唇)圆化
go the round (或 rounds)
1. (of a story or joke) be passed on from person to person
• (故事,笑话)传遍;传播
in the round
1. (of sculpture) standing free with all sides shown, rather than carved in relief against a ground
• (雕塑)有立体感的;从各方向都可以看到的
  (figurative)treated fully and thoroughly; with all aspects shown or considered
[喻] 全面地;多方面地
 »to understand social phenomena one must see them in the round.
2. (of a theatrical performance) with the audience placed on at least three sides of the stage
• 观众围绕舞台而坐的;舞台设在剧场中央的
round about
1. on all sides or in all directions; surrounding someone or something
• 在…周围,环绕;在附近
 »everything round about was covered with snow.
2. at a point or time approximately equal to
• 大致,约略
 »they arrived round about nine.
round the bend
1. 见bend
round the twist --› see twist
roundish adjective
roundness noun
1. Middle English: from the Old French stem round-, from a variant of Latin rotundus 'rotund'
1. are round and around (as preposition and adverbial particle) interchangeable in all contexts? In many contexts in British English they are, as in she put her arm round him; she put her arm around himThere is, however, a general preference for round to be used for definite, specific movementshe turned round; a bus came round the cornerwhile around tends to be used in contexts which are less definiteshe wandered around for ages; costing around £3,000or for abstract usesa rumour circulating around the cocktail barsIn US English, the situation is different. The normal form in most contexts is around; round is generally regarded as informal or non-standard and is only standard in certain fixed expressions, as in all year round and they went round and round in circles
round something off
1. make the edges or corners of something smooth
• 把…修圆磨光
 »round off the spars with a soft plastic fitting.
  complete something in a satisfying or suitable way
• 圆满完成;结束
 »a pint at the pub will round off the day nicely.
round on
1. make a sudden verbal attack on or unexpected retort to
• 突然责骂;立即反驳
 »she rounded on me angrily.
round something out
1. make something more complete
• 使更完美;圆满完成
 »his father insisted he went to university to round out his education.
round someone/thing up
1. drive or collect a number of people or animals together for a particular purpose
• 集拢(分散的人),赶拢;驱拢(牲口)
 »in the afternoon the cows are rounded up for milking.
  arrest a number of people
• 围捕(一群人)

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