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runner n.跑步者;滑冰鞋的滑刀;奔跑的人或动物

/ 5rQnE /

1. a person that runs, especially in a specified way
• 跑动者
 »Mary was a fast runner.
  a person who runs competitively as a sport or hobby.
• 赛跑者
 »a 400 metres runner.
  a horse that runs in a particular race.
• 赛跑的马
 »there were only four runners.
  a vehicle or machine that operates in a satisfactory or specified way.
• 性能良好的车(或机器)
 »the van was a good and reliable runner.
  a messenger, collector, or agent for a bank, bookmaker, or similar.
• (银行,出版者等的)送信人;收账人;代理人,代理商
  an orderly in the army.
• (部队的)传令兵;通讯员;勤务兵
  [Brit. informal] a freelance antiques dealer.
[英,非正式] 个体古董商
  [Brit. informal] a contender for a job or position.
[英,非正式] (工作或职位的)争夺者;竞争者
  [Brit. informal] an idea that has a chance of being accepted; a practical suggestion.
[英,非正式] 可能被接受的想法;切实可行的建议
 »trying to determine whether a tax on books is a runner.
  [Cricket] a person who runs between the wickets for an injured batsman.
[板球] (在三柱门之间为受伤的击球手跑动的)跑动板球员
2. [in combination] a person who smuggles specified goods into or out of a country or area
• 走私者
 »a gun-runner.
3. a rod, groove, or blade on which something slides
• 滑行装置;滑道;滑槽;冰刀
  each of the long pieces on the underside of a sledge that forms the contact in sliding.
• (雪橇的)滑板,雪板
  [常作 runners] a roller for moving a heavy article.
• (移动重物的)滚杠
  a ring capable of slipping or sliding along a strap or rod or through which something may be passed or drawn.
• 滑圈
  [Nautical] a rope in a single block with one end round a tackle block and the other having a hook.
[航海] 滑车吊索
4. a shoot, typically leafless, which grows from the base of a plant along the surface of the ground and can take root at points along its length
• 蔓,长匐茎,纤匐枝
  a plant that spreads by means of such shoots.
• 有长匐茎的植物
  a twining plant.
• 蔓生植物,攀缘植物
5. a long, narrow rug or strip of carpet, especially for a hall or stairway
• (尤指大厅或楼梯用的)长条地毯
6. (也作 runner stone)a revolving millstone
• 回转磨石,上磨盘
7. (archaic)a police officer
[古] 警官。
--› see Bow Street Runner
8. (也作 runner duck)
• 见 Indian runner
9. a fast-swimming fish of the jack family, occurring in tropical seas
• (热带海洋的)青鲹
10. Several species in the family Carangidae, in particular the colourfully striped rainbow runner [Elagatis bipinnulata] of warm seas worldwide, and the blue runner [Caranx crysos] of the western Atlantic.
• 鲹科中数种,尤指全球温暖海域的有鲜艳条纹的纺锤(鱼师)(拉丁名Elagatis bipinnulata)及大西洋西部的金鲹(拉丁名Caranx crysos)
do a runner
1. [Brit. informal] leave hastily, especially to avoid paying for something or to escape from somewhere
[英,非正式] (尤指为躲债或逃离某地而)匆忙离开,急忙逃走

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