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running 跑步

/ 5rQnIN /

noun, [mass noun]
1. the action or movement of a runner
• 跑,奔
 »his running tore United to shreds.
  the sport of racing on foot
• 赛跑
 »marathon running.
2. the action of managing or operating something
• 管理,照管;运行,运转
 »the day-to-day running of the office.
1. [attrib.] denoting something that runs, in particular
• 流动物的,尤指
  (of water) flowing naturally or supplied to a building through pipes and taps
• (水)流动的;(从水管和水龙头)流出的
 »hot and cold running water.
  (of a sore or a part of the body) exuding liquid or pus
• (疮或身体部位)流出液体的;流脓的
 »a running sore.
  continuous or recurring over a long period
• 连续的;反复不断的
 »a running joke.
  done while running
• 在奔跑中完成的;边跑边做的
 »a running jump.
2. [postpositive] consecutive; in succession
• 连续的,接连的
 »he failed to produce an essay for the third week running.
in (或 out of) the running
1. in (or no longer in) contention for an award, victory, or a place in a team
• (不)参加竞赛
 »he is in the running for an Oscar.
make the running
1. set the pace in a race or activity
• 定步速;决定速度
take a running jump
1. [often as imperative] used when angrily rejecting or disagreeing with someone
• 见鬼,见鬼去吧(用于表示愤怒地拒绝某人或与某人意见不一)
 »I hope you told that boss of yours to take a running jump.
take up the running
1. take over as pacesetter in a race
• 领跑

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