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rush v./n.猛冲n. …热,狂热,疯狂(去做某事)

/ rQF /

1. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move with urgent haste
• 冲,奔
 »Oliver rushed after her.
 »I rushed outside and hailed a taxi.
  (of air or a liquid) flow strongly
• (空气,液体)急速流动
 »the water rushed in through the great oaken gates.
  [no obj.] act with great haste
• 仓促行动;赶紧
 »as soon as the campaign started they rushed into action.
 »[with infinitive] shoppers rushed to buy computers.
  [with obj.] force (someone) to act hastily
• 使仓促行事;催赶;催促
 »I don't want to rush you into something.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] take (someone) somewhere with great haste
• 急送
 »an ambulance was waiting to rush him to hospital.
  [with two objs] deliver (something) quickly to (someone)
• 把…急送给
 »we'll rush you a copy at once.
  (rush something out)produce and distribute something, or put something up for sale, very quickly
• 仓促生产并分发;匆匆出售
 »a rewritten textbook was rushed out last autumn.
  [with obj.] deal with (something) hurriedly
• 仓促处理
 »panic measures were rushed through parliament.
 »[as adj. rushed] a rushed job.
  [with obj.] dash towards (someone or something) in an attempt to attack or capture them or it
• 向…猛冲
 »to rush the bank and fire willy-nilly could be disastrous for everyone.
2. [with obj.] [American Football] advance towards (an opposing player, especially the quarterback)
[美橄] 突袭(对方队员,尤指枢纽前卫)
  [no obj.] gain a specified amount of ground by running forward with the ball
• 带球跑动
 »he rushed for 100 yards on 22 carries.
3. [with obj.] [US] entertain (a new student) in order to assess suitability for membership of a college fraternity or sorority
[美] (大学生联谊会或女生联谊会为吸收新会员而)招待,争取(新生)
  (of a student) be entertained by (a college fraternity or sorority) in this way
• 被(大学生联谊会或女生联谊会)招待,被争取
4. [with obj.] [Brit. informal, dated] overcharge (a customer)
[英,非正式,旧] 敲(顾客)竹杠,故意多收…的费用,向…漫天索价
 »they rushed you, all right!.
1. a sudden quick movement towards something, typically by a number of people
• (尤指许多人)冲,奔
 »there was a rush for the door.
  a flurry of hasty activity
• 匆忙;急迫;繁忙
 »the pre-Christmas rush.
 »[as modifier] a rush job.
  a sudden strong demand for a commodity
• 需求的激增;争购
 »there's been a rush on the Western News because of the murder.
  a sudden flow or flood
• 急速流动;喷涌
 »she felt a rush of cold air.
  a sudden intense feeling
• 一阵强烈感情
 »Mark felt a rush of anger.
  a sudden thrill or feeling of euphoria such as experienced after taking certain drugs
• (吸毒等引起的)异常快感
2. [American Football] an act of advancing forward, especially towards the quarterback
[美橄] 突袭对方队员(尤指枢纽前卫)
3. (rushes)the first prints made of a film after a period of shooting
• 工作样片
rush one's fences
1. [Brit.] act with undue haste
[英] 鲁莽从事
a rush of blood (to the head)
1. a sudden attack of wild irrationality in one's thinking or actions
• 头脑发热,一时冲动
rusher noun
rushingly adverb
1. late Middle English: from an Anglo-Norman French variant of Old French ruser 'drive back', an early sense of the word in English (see ruse )
1. a marsh or waterside plant with slender stem-like pith-filled leaves, widely distributed in temperate areas. Some kinds are used for matting, chair seats, and baskets, and some were formerly used for strewing on floors
• 灯心草
2. Genus Juncus, family Juncaceae
• 灯心草属,灯心草科
  used in names of similar plants of wet habitats, e.g. flowering rush
• [用于类似灯心草的植物名中,如flowering rush]
  a stem of such a plant
• 灯心草茎
  [mass noun] such plants used as a material
• (用作材料的)灯心草
3. (archaic)a thing of no value (used for emphasis)
[古] 毫无价值的东西(用作强调)
 »not one of them is worth a rush.
rushlike adjective
rushy adjective
1. Old English risc, rysc, of Germanic origin

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