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safe a.安全的;可靠的;有把握的 n.保险箱

/ seif /

1. [predic.] protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost
• 安全的,平安的
 »eggs remain in the damp sand, safe from marine predators.
 »she felt safer with them than alone.
  not likely to cause or lead to harm or injury; not involving danger or risk
• 无害的;不会引起损害的;无危险的,保险的
 »we have to cross the river where it's safe for us to do so.
 »a safe investment that produced regular income.
  (of a place) affording security or protection
• (地方)安全的
 »put it in a safe place.
  [often derogatory] cautious and unenterprising
[常贬] 谨慎的;缺少进取精神的
 »MacGregor would be a compromise, the safe choice.
  based on good reasons or evidence and not likely to be proved wrong
• 有根据的,有把握的,不会出错的
 »the verdict is safe and satisfactory.
 »his world, it's safe to say, will not fall apart.
2. uninjured; with no harm done
• 未受伤害的;未受损害的
 »they had returned safe and sound.
 »hopes of her safe return later faded.
3. [informal] excellent (used to express approval or enthusiasm)
[非正式] 不错的,极好的(用于表示赞成或兴趣)
 »that shirt is real safe.
1. a strong fireproof cabinet with a complex lock, used for the storage of valuables
• 保险箱;保险柜
2. [N. Amer. informal] a condom
[北美,非正式] 阴茎套,安全套
as safe as houses
--› see house
in safe hands
1. 见hand
safe in the knowledge that
1. used to indicate that one can do something without risk or worry on account of a specified fact
• (用于表示因掌握了某种所说明的情况,做某事无风险或无需担忧)因了解…情况而做某事有把握
 »they used to recruit hundreds a year, safe in the knowledge that many would leave.
to be on the safe side
1. in order to have a margin of security against risks
• 为稳妥起见;以防万一
 »to be on the safe side, she had recorded everything.
safely adverb
safeness noun
1. Middle English (as an adjective): from Old French sauf, from Latin salvus 'uninjured'. The noun is from the verb save, later assimilated to the adjectival form

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