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salmon n.鲑,大马哈鱼

/ 5sAmEn /

1. a large edible fish that is a popular sporting fish, much prized for its pink flesh. Salmon mature in the sea but migrate to freshwater streams to spawn
• 鲑,大麻哈鱼
2. Family Salmonidae (the salmon family): the Atlantic salmon [Salmo salar] , which sometimes returns to spawn two or three times, and five species of Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus), which always die after spawning. The salmon family also includes trout, charr, whitefish, and their relatives
• 鲑科: 大西洋鲑(拉丁名Salmo salar)和五种太平洋鲑(大麻哈鱼属),大西洋鲑有时可返回产卵两至三次,太平洋鲑总是产卵后就死去。鲑科也包括鲑鳟,红点鲑,白鲑以及与他们有亲缘关系的鱼
  [mass noun] the flesh of this fish as food
• 鲑肉,大麻哈鱼肉
3. [usu. with modifier] any of a number of fishes that resemble the true salmons, in particular
• 类似鲑的鱼,尤指
4. Australian salmona large green and silver fish of Australasian inshore waters, popular as a game fish [Arripis trutta, family Arripidae] a prized food fish of the drum family [Sciaenidae] , in particular the Cape salmon of the Indian Ocean [Atractoscion aequidens] and sea trouts of the western Atlantic (genus Cynoscion)
• 澳鲑(拉丁名Arripis trutta,阿里比鱼科)(这种鱼作为准许捕捉的鱼广受欢迎) 石首鱼(石首鱼科),尤指印度洋的锤形石首鱼(拉丁名Atractoscion aequidens)和大西洋西部的犬牙石首鱼(犬牙石首鱼属)
5. [mass noun] a pale pink colour
• 鲑肉粉红色,浅橙色
salmony adjective
1. Middle English samoun, from Anglo-Norman French saumoun, from Latin salmo, salmon-. The spelling with -l- is influenced by Latin

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