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salute vt.迎接,欢迎

/ sE5lu:t /

1. a gesture of respect, homage, or polite recognition or acknowledgement, especially one made to or by a person when arriving or departing
• (尤指到场或离场时的)致意;致敬;敬礼
 »he raises his arms in a triumphant salute.
  a prescribed or specified movement, typically a raising of a hand to the head, made by a member of a military or similar force as a formal sign of respect or recognition
• (尤指军人等的)敬礼;敬礼姿势
  [often with modifier] the discharge of a gun or guns as a formal or ceremonial sign of respect or celebration
• 鸣礼炮
 »a twenty-one-gun salute.
  [Fencing] the formal performance of certain guards or other movements by fencers before engaging
[剑] 举剑致敬
verb, [with obj.]
1. make a formal salute to
• 向…致敬;向…行礼
 »don't you usually salute a superior officer?
 »[no obj.] he clicked his heels and saluted.
• 向…打招呼,向…致意,问候
 »he saluted her with a smile.
  show or express admiration and respect for
• 向…致敬;称赞,颂扬
 »we salute a truly great photographer.
  [with obj. and complement] (archaic)hail (someone) as having a particular high office
[古] 欢呼拥戴
 »he was saluted king when he entered into Jerusalem.
salute the judge
1. [Austrial. informal] (of a horse) win a race
[澳,非正式] (马)赢得比赛;获胜
take the salute
1. (of a senior officer in the armed forces or other person of importance) acknowledge formally a salute given by a body of troops marching past
• (武装部队高级军官或其他要人向受检阅部队)行答礼,接受敬礼
saluter noun
1. late Middle English: from Latin salutare 'greet, pay one's respects to', from salus, salut- 'health, welfare, greeting'; the noun partly from Old French salut

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