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same a.相同的 pron.相同的人(或物) ad.同样地

/ seim /

adjective, (the same)
1. identical; not different; unchanged
• 同一的;相同的;无变化的
 »he's worked at the same place for quite a few years.
 »I'm the same age as you are.
 »[withclause] he put on the same costume that he had worn in Ottawa.
  (this/that same)referring to a person or thing just mentioned
• 刚才提到的,上述的
 »that same year I went to Boston.
2. of an identical type
• 同样的,同种类的
 »they all wore the same clothes.
1. (the same)the same thing as something previously mentioned
• (与前述之事)同样的事
 »I'll resign and encourage everyone else to do the same.
  people or things that are identical or share the same characteristics
• 同样的人;同样的事物
 »there are several brands and they're not all the same.
2. (chiefly in formal or legal use) the person or thing just mentioned
• (主要用于正式或法律文书中)该人;上述事物;上述情况
 »put the tailboard up and secure same with a length of wire.
1. similarly; in the same way
• 同样地
 »treating women the same as men.
 »he gave me five dollars, same as usual.
all (或 just) the same
1. in spite of this; nevertheless
• 尽管如此;然而
 »she knew they had meant it kindly, but it had hurt all the same.
  in any case; anyway
• 仍然,依然,照样
 »thanks all the same, but I've something better to do.
at the same time
1. simultaneously
• 同时
2. on the other hand; nevertheless, yet
• 另一方面;然而,不过,可是
 »it's a very creative place, but at the same time it's very relaxing.
be all the same to
1. be unimportant to (someone) what happens
• 对…不重要,对…来说无所谓
 »it was all the same to me where it was being sold.
by the same token --› see token
one and the same
1. the same person or thing (used for emphasis)
• 同一个人(或物),完全一样的人(或物)(用作强调)
same again
1. another drink of the same kind as the last (said as a request or offer)
• (同样的酒)再来一杯(用作要求或提议)
same difference
1. [informal] used to express the speaker's belief that two or more things are essentially the same, in spite of apparent differences
[非正式] 没什么两样;一个样
same here
1. [informal] the same applies to me
[非正式] 我也一样
same old, same old
1. used to convey that something is drearily predictable or familiar
• [用以表示某事可想而知令人生厌或熟悉]一模一样;老一套
 »the game's fantasy setting is the same old, same old.
(the) same to you!
1. may you do or have the same thing (a response to a greeting or insult)
• 你也是(用于回答对方的问候或辱骂)
the very same
1. the same (used for emphasis, often to express surprise)
• 正是这个的,完全相同的(用于强调,常表示惊讶)
 »the very same people who practised all the rules are now the most sceptical.
sameness noun
1. Middle English: from Old Norse sami, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit sama, Greek homos

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