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sanctuary n 圣地,避难所(sanct+uary表示场所,如:mortu-ary太平间)

/ 5sANktFu:7eri: /

(pl. -ies)
1. a place of refuge or safety
• 避难所,庇护所
 »people automatically sought a sanctuary in time of trouble.
 »[mass noun] his sons took sanctuary in the church.
  [mass noun] immunity from arrest
• 避难,庇护
 »he has been given sanctuary in the US Embassy in Beijing.
2. [usu. with modifier] a nature reserve
• 自然保护区;禁猎区
 »a bird sanctuary.
  a place where injured or unwanted animals of a specified kind are cared for
• (某种受伤或遗弃动物的)收养所,养护区
 »a donkey sanctuary.
3. a holy place; a temple
• 圣所;教堂;寺院
  the inmost recess or holiest part of a temple
• (教堂或寺院的)最深处;最神圣处
  the part of the chancel of a church containing the high altar
• (教堂内的)主圣坛
1. Middle English (in sense 3): from Old French sanctuaire, from Latin sanctuarium, from sanctus 'holy'. The early sense ‘a church or other sacred place where a fugitive was immune, by the law of the medieval Church, from arrest, gave rise to senses 1 and 2

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