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satisfaction n.满意;满足;乐事,使人满意的原因

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1. [mass noun] fulfilment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this
• 满意,满足
 »I looked round with satisfaction.
 »managing directors seeking greater job satisfaction.
  [Law] the payment of a debt or fulfilment of an obligation or claim
[律] (债务等的)清偿;(义务等的)履行
 »in full and final satisfaction of the claim.
  [with negative] what is felt to be owed or due to one, especially in reparation of an injustice or wrong
• 赔偿,补偿
 »the work will come to a halt if the electricity and telephone people don't get satisfaction.
  [Christian Theology] Christ's atonement for sin
[基督教神学] 基督替世人赎罪
  (historical)the opportunity to defend one's honour in a duel
[史] 通过决斗维护荣誉的机会
 »I demand the satisfaction of a gentleman.
to one's satisfaction
1. so that one is satisfied
• 到…满意的程度
 »some amendments were made, not entirely to his satisfaction.
1. Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin satisfactio(n-), from satisfacere 'satisfy, content' (see satisfy ). The earliest recorded use referred to the last part of religious penance after ‘contrition’ and ‘confession’: this involved fulfilment of the observance required by the confessor, in contrast with the current meaning 'fulfilment of one's own expectations'

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