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scour v 搜索;巡视(scour=course)

/ 5skauE /

1. [with obj.] clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent
• 擦亮
 »she scoured the cooker.
 »I was scouring out the pans.
  remove (dirt or unwanted matter) by rubbing in such a way
• 擦洗,擦掉
 »use an electric toothbrush to scour off plaque.
  (of water or a watercourse) make (a channel or pool) by flowing quickly over something and removing soil or rock
• (水,水道)冲成沟渠(或池塘)
 »a stream came crashing through a narrow cavern to scour out a round pool below.
2. [no obj.] (of livestock) suffer from diarrhoea
• (家畜)患腹泻
  [with obj.] (archaic)administer a strong purgative to
[古] 给…服强力泻药
noun, [mass noun]
1. the action of scouring or the state of being scoured, especially by swift-flowing water
• 冲洗
  [in sing.] an act of rubbing something hard to clean or brighten it
• 擦拭动作
 »give the floor a good scour.
2. (也作 scours)diarrhoea in livestock, especially cattle and pigs
• (家畜,尤指牛、猪)腹泻(病)
scourer noun
1. Middle English: from Middle Dutch, Middle Low German schūren, from Old French escurer, from late Latin excurare 'clean (off'), from ex- 'away' + curare 'to clean'
1. [with obj.] subject (a place, text, etc.) to a thorough search in order to locate something
• 仔细搜索;浏览
 »David scoured each newspaper for an article on the murder.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move rapidly in a particular direction, especially in search or pursuit of someone or something
• (尤指搜索追捕时)快速行走
 »he scoured up the ladder.
1. late Middle English: related to obsolete scour 'moving hastily', of unknown origin

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