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second vt.支持

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ordinal number
1. constituting number two in a sequence; coming after the first in time or order; 2nd
• 第二;第二次
 »he married for a second time.
 »Herbert was the second of their six children.
  secondly (used to introduce a second point or reason)
• 第二,其次(用来引出第二个要点或原因)
 »second, they are lightly regulated; and third, they do business with non-resident clients.
  [Music] an interval spanning two consecutive notes in a diatonic scale
[乐] 二度音程
  the note which is higher by this interval than the tonic of a diatonic scale or root of a chord
• 二度音
  the second in a sequence of a vehicle's gears
• 机动车的第二挡
 »he took the corner in second.
  [Baseball] second base
[棒球] 二垒
  (chiefly Brit.)the second form of a school or college
[主英] (学校或大学的)二年级
  (seconds)[informal] a second course or second helping of food at a meal
[非正式] 第二道菜,添菜
  denoting someone or something regarded as comparable to or reminiscent of a better-known predecessor
• 又一,第二(表示可与原有事物相提并论的或使人想起它的人或事)
 »a fear that the conflict would turn into a second Vietnam.
2. subordinate or inferior in position, rank, or importance
• 从属的;次等的
 »it was second only to Copenhagen among Baltic ports.
 »he is a writer first and a scientist second.
  additional to that already existing, used, or possessed
• 另外的;另一的
 »a second home.
 »French as a second language.
  the second finisher or position in a race or competition
• (比赛或竞赛的)第二名;第二位
 »he finished second.
  [Brit.] a place in the second grade in an examination, especially for a degree
[英] (尤指学位考试的)第二等
  [Music] performing a lower or subordinate of two or more parts for the same instrument or voice
[乐] 第二声部的
 »the second violins.
  (seconds)goods of an inferior quality
• 二等品;次品
  (the seconds)the reserve team of a sports club
• (体育俱乐部的)预备队
  coarse flour, or bread made from it
• 粗面粉;粗粉面包
3. an assistant, in particular
• 助手,尤指
  an attendant assisting a combatant in a duel or boxing match
• (决斗或拳击赛的)助手
  a Cub or Brownie chosen by their pack to assist the Sixer and replace them when they are absent
• 给六人小队队长当助手的幼年童子军
1. [with obj.] formally support or endorse (a nomination or resolution or its proposer) as a necessary preliminary to adoption or further discussion
• 支持(提名,决议,倡议者),赞成
 »Bridgeman seconded Maxwell's motion calling for the reform.
  express agreement with
• 赞成;赞同
 »her view is seconded by most Indian leaders today.
  (archaic)support; back up
[古] 支持
 »so well was he seconded by the multitude of labourers at his command.
in the second place
1. as a second consideration or point
• 第二;第二点
second to none
1. the best, worst, fastest, etc.
• 首屈一指,无与伦比
seconder noun
1. Middle English: via Old French from Latin secundus 'following, second', from the base of sequi 'follow'. The verb dates from the late 16th cent
1. [缩略词: s] a sixtieth of a minute of time, which as the SI unit of time is defined in terms of the natural periodicity of the radiation of a caesium-133 atom[Symbol: ″]
• 秒,秒钟[符号: ″]
  [informal] a very short time
[非正式] 片刻,瞬间
 »his eyes met Charlotte's for a second.
2. [亦作arc second 或 second of arc] a sixtieth of a minute of angular distance[Symbol: ″]
• (角度单位)秒[符号: ″]
1. late Middle English: from medieval Latin secunda (minuta) 'second (minute'), feminine (used as a noun) of secundus, referring to the ‘second’ operation of dividing an hour by sixty
1. [with obj.] [Brit.] transfer (a military officer or other official or worker) temporarily to other employment or another position
[英] 临时调派(军官,官员,工作人员)
 »I was seconded to a public relations unit.
secondee noun
1. early 19th cent.: from French en second 'in the second rank (of officers')

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