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sensitive 敏感的

/ 5sensitiv /

1. quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences
• 敏感的;灵敏的
 »the new method of protein detection was more sensitive than earlier ones.
 »spiders are sensitive to vibrations on their web.
  easily damaged, injured, or distressed by slight changes
• 敏感的;脆弱的
 »the committee called for improved protection of wildlife in environmentally sensitive areas.
  (of photographic materials) prepared so as to respond rapidly to the action of light
• (照相材料)感光的
  (of a market) unstable and liable to quick changes of price because of outside influences
• (市场)脆弱的;敏感的
2. (of a person or a person's behaviour) having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings
• (人,人的行为)敏感的;敏锐的
 »I pay tribute to the Minister for his sensitive handling of the bill.
  easily offended or upset
• 敏感的;易激怒的;易惹恼的
 »I suppose I shouldn't be so sensitive.
3. kept secret or with restrictions on disclosure to avoid endangering security
• 保密的;限制透露的
 »he was suspected of passing sensitive information to other countries.
1. a person who is believed to respond to paranormal influences
• 通灵的人
sensitively adverb
sensitiveness noun
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'sensory'): from Old French sensitif, -ive or medieval Latin sensitivus, formed irregularly from Latin sentire 'feel'. The current senses date from the early 19th cent

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