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separate vt.使分开;区分 vi.分离 a.不同的;单独的

/ 5sepEreit / v. / 5sepErit / adj.

1. forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself
• 分离的;独立的
 »this raises two separate issues.
 »he regards the study of literature as quite separate from life.
  not joined or touching physically
• 分离的;独立的
 »a bathroom and separate WC.
   different ; distinct
• 不同的;特别的
 »melt the white and plain chocolate in separate bowls.
1. [with obj.] cause to move or be apart
• 使分离;分开
 »police were trying to separate two rioting mobs.
 »they were separated by the war.
  form a distinction or boundary between (people, places, or things)
• 隔离(人,地方,物件)
 »only a footpath separated their garden from the shore.
 »six years separated the two brothers.
  [no obj.] become detached or disconnected
• 独立;分离
 »the second stage of the rocket failed to separate.
  [no obj.] leave another person's company
• 分开;分手
 »they separated at the corner, agreeing to meet within two hours.
  [no obj.] stop living together as a couple
• 夫妻)分开;分居
 »after her parents separated she was brought up by her mother.
 »[asadj.separated] her parents are separated.
  [常作be separated] [US] discharge or dismiss (someone) from service or employment
[美] 解雇;辞退
 »this year one million veterans will be separated from the service.
2. divide or cause to divide into constituent or distinct elements
• (使)分成部分
 »[no obj.] the processed milk had separated into curds and whey.
 »[with obj.] separate the eggs and beat the egg yolks.
  [with obj.] extract or remove for use or rejection

 »the skins are separated from the juice before fermentation.
 »we need to separate fact from speculation.
  [with obj.] distinguish between consider individually
• 区别;个别考虑
 »we cannot separate his thinking from his activity.
  (of a factor or quality) distinguish (someone or something) from others
• (因素,性质)区分;分别
 »his position separates him from those who might share his interests.
  [with obj.] (separate something off) make something form, or view something as, a unit apart or by itself
• 使形成独立体;视为独立的
 »the organ loft separating off the choir.
plural noun
1. (separates)things forming units by themselves, in particular
• 自成一体的物件,尤指
  individual items of clothing, such as skirts, jackets, or trousers, suitable for wearing in different combinations
• (如衬衫、夹克、裤子)可搭配穿着的单件衣物
  the self-contained, free-standing components of a sound-reproduction system
• 独立音响设备
  portions into which a soil, sediment, etc. can be sorted according to particle size, mineral composition, or other criteria
• (按照颗粒大小、矿物组成等标准的)土壤划分
go one's separate ways
1. leave in a different direction from someone with whom one has just travelled or spent time
• 分道扬镳
  end a romantic, professional, or other relationship
• 分道扬镳,分手
separate but equal
1. [US historical] racially segregated but ensuring equal opportunities to all races
[美史] 隔离而平等的
separate the men from the boys
1. 见man
separate the sheep from the goats
1. divide people or things into superior and inferior groups
• (人,物)分出上等和下等
separate the wheat from the chaff --› see chaff
separately adverb
separateness noun
1. late Middle English: from Latin separat- 'disjoined, divided', from the verb separare, from se- 'apart' + parare 'prepare'

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