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sequence n.序列

/ 5si:kwEns /

1. a particular order in which related events, movements, or things follow each other
• 顺序
 »the content of the programme should follow a logical sequence.
  [Music] a repetition of a phrase or melody at a higher or lower pitch
[乐] 模进
  [Biochemistry] the order in which amino-acid or nucleotide residues are arranged in a protein, DNA, etc
[生化] 序列,顺序
2. a set of related events, movements, or things that follow each other in a particular order
• 连续事件(或动作,事物)
 »a gruelling sequence of exercises.
 »a sonnet sequence.
  a set of three or more playing cards of the same suit next to each other in value, for example 10, 9, 8
• (纸牌的)同花顺
  [Mathematics] an infinite ordered series of numerical quantities
[数] 序列
3. a part of a film dealing with one particular event or topic
• (电影处理同一主题的)连续镜头
 »the famous underwater sequence.
4. (in the Eucharist) a hymn said or sung after the Gradual or Alleluia that precedes the Gospel
• (天主教弥撒中圣歌与福音之间的)继续经
verb, [withobj.]
1. arrange in a particular order
• 确定顺序,按序排列
 »trainee librarians decide how a set of misfiled cards could be sequenced.
  [Biochemistry] ascertain the sequence of amino-acid or nucleotide residues in (a protein, DNA, etc.)
[生化] 确定(蛋白质、脱氧核糖核酸等的)氨基酸(或核苷)酸残基顺序
2. play or record (music) with a sequencer
• 用音序器播放(或录制)(音乐)
in sequence
1. in a given order
• 顺次;挨次
1. late Middle English (in sense 4): from late Latin sequentia, from Latin sequent- 'following', from the verb sequi 'follow'

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