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service n.服务;公共设施;保养;行政部门 v.维修

/ 5sE:vis /

1. [mass noun] the action of helping or doing work for someone
• 服务
 »millions are involved in voluntary service.
  [count noun] an act of assistance
• 帮助,协助
 »he has done us a great service.
 »he volunteered his services as a driver.
  assistance or advice given to customers during and after the sale of goods
• 销售服务;售后服务
 »they aim to provide better quality of service.
  short for service industry
• service industry 的简称
  the action or process of serving food and drinks to customers
• 上菜(饮料);为就餐者服务
 »they complained of poor bar service.
  short for service charge :
• service charge 的简称
 »service is included in the final bill.
  a period of employment with a company or organization
• 任职
 »he retired after 40 years' service.
  employment as a servant
• 当仆人。 参见下面 in service
 »the pitifully low wages gained from domestic service.
  the use which can be made of a machine
• (机器的)使用
 »the computer should provide good service for years.
  the provision of the necessary maintenance work for a machine
• (对机器的)维护
 »they phoned for service on their air conditioning.
  [usu. insing.] a periodic routine inspection and maintenance of a vehicle or other machine
• (机车或机器的)定期检修;例行检修
 »he took his car in for a service.
  (the services)the armed forces
• 军队
 »[asmodifier] service personnel.
  (services)(chiefly Brit.)an area with parking beside a major road supplying petrol, refreshments, and other amenities to motorists
[主英] 加油站;路边服务部
2. a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water
• 公共服务设施
 »a regular bus service.
  a public department or organization run by the state
• 国家政府部门
 »the probation service.
3. a ceremony of religious worship according to a prescribed form; the prescribed form for such a ceremony
• 宗教仪式
 »a funeral service.
4. [withmodifier] a set of matching crockery used for serving a particular meal
• (特定一餐的)成套餐具
 »a dinner service.
5. [mass noun] (in tennis and other racket sports) the action or right of serving to begin play
• (网球等用拍运动)发球
  [count noun] a serve
• 一次发球
6. [mass noun] [Law] the formal delivery of a document such as a writ or summons
[律] (令状、传票等文件的)正式送达
verb, [with obj.]
1. [一般作 be serviced] perform routine maintenance or repair work on (a vehicle or machine)
• 检修(车辆,机器);保养
 »ensure that gas appliances are serviced regularly.
  supply and maintain systems for public utilities and transport and communications in (an area)
• 给(某地)提供公共服务
 »the village is small and well serviced.
  perform a service or services for (someone)
• 为…提供服务
 »her life is devoted to servicing others.
  pay interest on (a debt)
• 支付(债务)的利息
 »taxpayers are paying $250 million just to service that debt.
2. (of a male animal) mate with (a female animal)
• (雄性动物)与(雌性动物)交配
  (vulgar slang)(of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman)
[俗俚] (男人)与(女人)性交
be at someone's service
1. be ready to assist someone whenever possible
• 听某人吩咐
be of service
1. be available to assist someone
• 可以给某人帮助
in service
1. in or available for use
• 在使用;可供使用
2. [dated] employed as a servant
[旧] 当仆人
out of service
1. not available for use
• 不可使用
see service
1. serve in the armed forces
• 参军服役
 »he saw service in both world wars.
  be used
• 被使用
 »the building later saw service as a blacksmith's shop.
take service with
1. [Brit. dated] become a servant to or worker for
[英,旧] 为…帮佣;为…工作
 »government officials took service with the new rulers.
1. Old English (denoting religious devotion or a form of liturgy), from Old French servise or Latin servitium 'slavery', from servus 'slave'. The early sense of the verb (mid 19th cent.) was 'be of service to, provide with a service'

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