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shape n.形状;外表;状况 vt.使成形;塑造;实现

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1. the external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something; the outline of an area or figure
• 形状;外观;外形
 »she liked the shape of his nose.
 »house plants come in all shapes and sizes.
 »[mass noun] chest freezers are square or rectangular in shape.
  a person or thing that is difficult to see and identify clearly
• 模糊的人影(或物影)
 »he saw a shape through the mist.
  [usu. with adj. or noun modifier] a specific form or guise assumed by someone or something
• 伪装;假装
 »a fiend in human shape.
  a piece of material, paper, etc., made or cut in a particular form
• 特定形状的东西;模型
 »stick paper shapes on for the puppet's eyes and nose.
2. [mass noun with adj.] the particular condition or state of someone or something
• 特定的条件(或状况)
 »he was in no shape to drive.
 »the building was in poor shape.
  the distinctive nature or qualities of something
• 特色;特征
 »debates about the future shape of British society.
  definite or orderly arrangement
• (特定或有序的)排列;条理清楚
 »check that your structure will give shape to your essay.
1. [with obj.] [常作 be shaped] give a particular shape or form to
• 使成形,塑造
 »most caves are shaped by the flow of water through limestone.
 »shape the dough into two-inch balls.
  make (something) fit the form of something else
• 使适合;使符合
 »[with obj. and infinitive] suits have been shaped to fit so snugly that no curve is undefined.
  determine the nature of; have a great influence on
• 决定…性质;对…有巨大影响
 »his childhood was shaped by a loving relationship with his elder brother.
  [no obj., with adverbial] develop in a particular way; progress
• 朝特定方向发展;进展
 »the yacht was shaping well in trials.
  form or produce (a sound or words)
• 形成,产生(声音,词)
  [no obj.] (of a sports player or athlete) take up a stance or set oneself to perform a particular action
• (运动员)摆姿势,做动作
 »[with infinitive] I had plenty of time and shaped to kick to the near touchline.
get into shape [或get someone into shape]
1. become (or make someone) physically fitter by exercise
• (通过锻炼)使身体健康
 »if you're thinking of getting into shape, take it easy and build up slowly.
in any (way,) shape or form
1. in any manner or under any circumstances (used for emphasis)
• 以任何形式;在各种情况之下(用于强调)
 »96 per cent of the electorate voted against Europeanization in any shape or form.
in (good) shape
1. in good physical condition
• 健康状况良好
in the shape of
1. represented or embodied by
• 以…形式表现(或体现)
 »retribution arrived in the shape of my irate father.
  by way of; in the nature of
• 通过…形式;具有…性质
 »there had been little or nothing in the shape of academic planning.
lick (或 knock 或 whip) someone/thing into shape
1. act forcefully to bring someone or something into a fitter, more efficient, or better-organized state
• (用强力)把…训练好;把…整顿好;使像样
 »the bank was eager to whip the company into shape for eventual sale.
out of shape
1. (of an object) not having its usual or original shape, especially after being bent or knocked
• (尤指物体弯曲或撞击后)变形;变样
 »check that the pipe end and compression nut are not bent out of shape.
2. (of a person) in poor physical condition; unfit
• 身体不好;不舒服
the shape of things to come
1. the way the future is likely to develop
• 未来发展趋势
shape up or ship out
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)used as an ultimatum to someone to improve their performance or behaviour or face being made to leave
[非正式,主北美] 表现好一点,否则滚蛋
take shape
1. assume a distinct form; develop into something definite or tangible
• 成形;形成
 »the past few months have seen the state's health insurance legislation begin to take shape.
shapable adjective
1. (也作 shapeable)
shaped adjective
 »[usu. in combination] egg-shaped.
shaper noun
1. Old English gesceap 'external form', also 'creation', sceppan 'create', of Germanic origin
shape up
1. develop or happen in a particular way
• (以特定方式)发展,发生
 »it was shaping up to be another bleak year.
  (shape something up)[informal] improve something
[非正式] 改善,改进
 »department stores have been forced to shape up their acts.
  become physically fit
• 锻炼身体
 »I need to shape up.

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