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shell n.炮弹,猎枪子弹


1. the hard protective outer case of a mollusc or crustacean
• (软体或甲壳纲动物的)壳
 »cowrie shells.
 »[mass noun] the technique of carving shell.
  the thin outer covering of an animal's egg, which is hard and fragile in that of a bird but leathery in that of a reptile
• 蛋壳
  the outer case of a nut kernel or seed
• 果壳;荚
  the carapace of a tortoise, turtle, or terrapin
• 甲鱼壳,龟甲
  the wing cases of a beetle
• (甲虫的)鞘翅
  the integument of an insect pupa or chrysalis
• (蛹或茧的)外皮
  (one's shell)(figurative)used with reference to a state of shyness or introversion
[喻] 害羞;内向
 »she'll soon come out of her shell with the right encouragement.
2. something resembling or likened to a shell because of its shape or its function as an outer case
• 壳状物
 »pasta shells.
 »baked pastry shells filled with cheese.
  the walls of an unfinished or gutted building or other structure
• (建筑物的)壳体,空壳
 »the hotel was a shell, the roof having collapsed completely.
  (figurative)an outer form without substance
[喻] 空躯壳
 »he was a shell of the man he had been previously.
  a light racing boat
• 轻型赛艇
  the metal framework of a vehicle body
• (车身的)外壳
  an inner or roughly made coffin
• 内棺;粗制棺材
  the handguard of a sword
• (剑的)护手
  [Physics] each of a set of orbitals around the nucleus of an atom, occupied or able to be occupied by electrons of similar energies
[物理] 壳层
3. an explosive artillery projectile or bomb
• 炮弹;炸弹
 »the sound of the shell passing over, followed by the explosion.
 »[as modifier] shell holes.
  a hollow metal or paper case used as a container for fireworks, explosives, or cartridges
• 烟花筒;弹壳;弹药筒
  [N. Amer.] a cartridge
[北美] 子弹
4. [Computing] . short for shell program
[计算机] shell program 的简称
verb, [with obj.]
1. bombard with shells
• 炮轰
 »the guns started shelling their positions.
  [一般作 be shelled] [Baseball] score heavily against (an opposing pitcher or team)
[棒球] 从(对方投手或球队)大量得分
2. remove the shell or pod from (a nut or seed)
• 剥壳;脱壳;脱粒
 »they were shelling peas.
 »[asadj. shelled] shelled Brazil nuts.
shelled adjective
1. [incombination] a soft-shelled clam
• 软壳蛤
shell-less adjective
shelly adjective
1. Old English scell (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch schel 'scale, shell', also to scale. The verb dates from the mid 16th cent. in sense 2
shell something out (或 shell out)
1. [informal] pay a specified amount of money, especially an amount that is resented as being excessive
[非正式] 付款(尤指付因认为过多而不愿付的款)
 »he has had to shell out £500 a week hiring a bodyguard.

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