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shot n.开枪,射击;射门,投篮;弹丸,子弹

/ FCt /

1. the firing of a gun or cannon
• 射击;开枪;开炮
 »he brought down a caribou with a single shot to the neck.
 »the opening shots have been fired in a legal battle over repairs.
  an attempt to hit a target by shooting
• 朝目标射击
 »he asked me if I would like to have a shot at a pheasant.
  (figurative)a critical or aggressive remark
[喻] 批评;攻击性话语
 »Paul tried one last shot—‘You realize what you want will cost more money?’.
  [withadj.] a person with a specified level of ability in shooting
• 射手
 »he was an excellent shot at short and long distances.
2. a hit, stroke, or kick of the ball in sports such as football, tennis, or golf
• 击球;抽球;踢球
 »his partner pulled off a winning backhand shot.
  an attempt to drive the ball into goal; an attempt to score
• 射门;投篮;(试图)得分
 »he took a shot that the goalie stopped.
  [informal] an attempt to do something
[非正式] 企图做某事
 »several of the competitors will have a shot at the all-round title.
3. [复同单] a ball of stone or metal used as a missile shot from a large gun or cannon
• 弹丸;子弹;炮弹
  (也作 lead shot)[mass noun] tiny lead pellets used in quantity in a single charge or cartridge in a shotgun
• 铅沙弹
  a heavy ball thrown by a shot-putter
• 铅球
4. a photograph
• 照相;拍摄
 »she took a shot of me holding a lamp near my face.
  a film sequence photographed continuously by one camera
• 连续镜头;一段影片
 »the movie's opening shot is of a character walking across a featureless landscape.
  [mass noun] the range of a camera's view
• 镜头范围
 »a prop man was standing just out of shot.
5. [informal] a small alcoholic drink, especially of spirits
[非正式] (烈酒的)一口,一小杯
 »he took a shot of whisky.
  an injection of a drug or vaccine
• (毒品或疫苗的)注射
 »he took a shot of impure heroin.
6. [usu. with modifier] the launch of a space rocket
• 火箭发射
 »a moon shot.
give it one's best shot
1. [informal] do the best that one can
[非正式] 尽力做好
like a shot
1. [informal] without hesitation; willingly
[非正式] 毫不犹豫;乐意
 »‘Would you go back?’ ‘Like a shot.’.
not a shot in one's locker
1. [Brit.] no money or chances left
[英] 身无分文;毫无办法
a shot across the bows
1. 见bow
a shot in the arm
1. [informal] an encouraging stimulus
[非正式] 刺激;鼓舞
 »the movie was a real shot in the arm for our crew.
a shot in the dark
1. 见dark
1. Old English sc(e)ot, gesc(e)ot of Germanic origin; related to German Geschoss, from the base of the verb shoot
1. (of coloured cloth) woven with a warp and weft of different colours, giving a contrasting effect when looked at from different angles
• 织成杂色的;闪色的
 »a dress of shot silk.
  interspersed with a different colour
• 颜色夹杂的;花色的
 »dark hair shot with silver.
2. [informal] ruined or worn out
[非正式] 毁坏的;破坏的
 »a completely shot engine will put you out of the race.
 »my nerves are shot.
  [predic.] [US & Austral./NZ] drunk
[美,澳/新西兰] 醉的
get (或 be)shot of
1. [Brit. informal] get (or be) rid of
[英,非正式] 除去2. (shot through with)suffused with (a particular feature or quality)
• 充满
 »the mist was shot through with orange spokes of light.
shot to pieces (或 to hell)
1. [informal] ruined
[非正式] 毁坏的
1. [in sing.] [Brit. informal, dated] a bill or one's share of it, especially in a pub
[英,非正式,旧] 喝酒的账单
 »he had paid her shot.
1. late Middle English: from shot; compare with Old English scēotan 'shoot, pay, contribute' and scot

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