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should v.aux.应该,竟然会

/ Fud , FEd /

(3rd sing. should)
1. used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions
• [表示义务、责任或正确性,尤其当指责某人的行为时]应当,应该
 »he should have been careful.
 »I think we should trust our people more.
 »you shouldn't have gone.
  indicating a desirable or expected state
• [表示意愿或期望]该,可能
 »by now pupils should be able to read with a large degree of independence.
  used to give or ask advice or suggestions
• [表示建议]应该
 »you should go back to bed.
 »what should I wear?
  [I should] used to give advice
• [用于提建议](我)会…
 »I should hold out if I were you.
2. used to indicate what is probable
• [用于表示可能性]可能,该
 »£348 m should be enough to buy him out.
 »the bus should arrive in a few minutes.
3. [formal] expressing the conditional mood
[正式] [表示条件假设]
  (in the first person) indicating the consequence of an imagined event
• [用于第一人称,表示想像事件的结果]会,该
 »if I were to obey my first impulse, I should spend my days writing letters.
  referring to a possible event or situation
• [指可能的结果或状况]万一
 »if you should change your mind, I'll be at the hotel.
 »should anyone arrive late, admission is likely to be refused.
4. used in a clause with ‘that’ after a main clause describing feelings
• [用在“that”从句中,表示情感]竟然会
 »it is astonishing that we should find violence here.
5. used in a clause with ‘that’ expressing purpose
• [用在“that”从句中,表示目的]可以,会
 »in order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically.
6. (in the first person) expressing a polite request or acceptance
• [用于第一人称,表示礼貌的请求或接受]倒,可
 »I should like some more, if I may.
 »we should be grateful for your advice.
7. (in the first person) expressing a conjecture or hope
• [用于第一人称,表示推测或希望]该
 »he'll have a sore head, I should imagine.
 »‘It won't happen again.’ ‘I should hope not.’.
8. used to emphasize to a listener how striking an event is or was
• [向听者强调某事给人印象之深]应该;竟会
 »you should have seen Marge's face.
【who/what should —— but】
1. emphasizing how surprising an event was
• [强调事件的惊讶]竟然会
 »I was in this shop when who should I see across the street but Tobias.
1. Old English sceolde: past of shall
1. As with shall and will, there is confusion about when to use should and would. The traditional rule is that should is used with first person pronouns (I and we), as in I said I should be lateand would is used with second and third persons (you, he, she, it, they), as in you didn't say you would be lateIn practice, would is normally used instead of should in reported speech and conditional clausesI said I would be late; if we had known we would have invited herIn spoken and informal contexts the issue rarely arises, since the distinction is obscured by the use of the contracted forms I'd, we'd, etc. In modern English, uses of should are dominated by the senses relating to obligation (for which would cannot be substituted), as in you should go out more oftenand for related emphatic uses, as in you should have seen her face!

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