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shout v.大声叫,喊,呼出 n.呼喊,叫

/ Faut /

1. [no obj.] (of a person) utter a loud call or cry, typically as an expression of a strong emotion
• 呼喊;喊叫
 »she shouted for joy.
  [reporting verb] say something very loudly; call out[with obj.]
• 叫嚷;大声说
 »he leant out of his window and shouted abuse at them.
 »I shouted out a warning.
 »[with direct speech] ‘Come back!’ she shouted.
  (shout at)speak loudly and angrily to; insult or scold loudly
• 怒斥
 »he apologized because he had shouted at her in front of them all.
  [withobj.] (shout someone down)prevent someone from speaking or being heard by shouting
• 大声吼叫使…住口(或讲话被淹没)
 »he was shouted down as he tried to explain the decision.
  [withobj.] (figurative)indicate or express (a particular quality or characteristic) unequivocally or powerfully
[喻] 明确无误地指出(或表示)
 »from crocodile handbag to gold-trimmed shoes she shouted money.
2. [with two objs] [Austral./NZ informal] treat (someone) to (something, especially a drink)
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 用…款待(人);请(人)喝(饮料、酒、水等)
 »I'll shout you a beer.
  [noobj.] buy a round of drinks
• 买饮料请客
 »anyone shooting a hole in one must shout for all players present on the course.
1. a loud cry expressing a strong emotion or calling attention
• 呼喊;喊叫声
 »his words were interrupted by warning shouts.
  [informal] an emergency call-out for the fire brigade or the police
[非正式] 紧急召集消防队(或警察)的叫喊声
2. (one's shout)[Brit. informal] one's turn to buy a round of drinks
[英,非正式] 轮到买饮料请客
 »‘Do you want another drink? My shout.’.
all over bar the shouting
1. [informal] (of a contest) almost finished and therefore virtually decided
[非正式] (比赛)快结束,胜负已成定局
give someone a shout
1. [informal] call for someone's attention
[非正式] 引起某人注意
  call on or get in touch with someone
• 拜访(或联系)某人
in with a shout
1. [informal] having a good chance
[非正式] 有良机
 »they were definitely in with a shout of bringing off a victory.
shout something from the rooftops
1. talk about something openly and jubilantly, especially something that is personal or has previously been kept secret
• 兴致勃勃地公开谈论(私事,曾经保守的秘密)
shout the odds
1. talk loudly and opinionatedly
• 说大话
shouter noun
shouty( )
1. (informal 非正式).)
1. late Middle English: perhaps related to shoot; compare with Old Norse skúta 'a taunt', also with the verb scout

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