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sick a.有病的,患病的;恶心的;(of)厌恶的

/ sik /

1. affected by physical or mental illness
• 病的,生病的,患病的
 »nursing very sick children.
 »half my staff were off sick.
 »[as plural noun the sick] visiting the sick and the elderly.
  of or relating to those who are ill
• (与)病人(有关)的
 »the company organized a sick fund for its workers.
  (figurative)(of an organization, system, or society) suffering from serious problems, especially of a financial nature
[喻] (组织,体系,社团)面临严重问题的,不景气的
 »the British economy remains sick.
  (archaic)pining or longing for someone or something
[古] 渴望的,想往的
 »he was sick for a sight of her.
2. [predic.] feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit
• 恶心的;想呕吐的
 »he was starting to feel sick.
 »Mark felt sick with fear.
  [attrib.] (of an emotion) so intense as to cause one to feel unwell or nauseous
• (情感)强烈得令人不适的;令人作呕的;令人厌恶的
 »he had a sick fear of returning.
  [informal] disappointed, mortified, or miserable
[非正式] 失望的;懊丧的;极不愉快的
 »he looked pretty sick at that, but he eventually agreed.
3. [predic. sick of] intensely annoyed with or bored by (someone or something) as a result of having had too much of them
• 厌倦的;厌恶的;腻烦的
 »I'm absolutely sick of your moods.
4. [informal] (especially of humour) having something unpleasant such as death, illness, or misfortune as its subject and dealing with it in an offensive way
[非正式] (尤指幽默)毛骨悚然的;恐怖的
 »this was someone's idea of a sick joke.
  (of a person) having abnormal or unnatural tendencies; perverted
• (人)不健全的;病态的
 »he is a deeply sick man from whom society needs to be protected.
5. [informal] excellent
[非正式] 极好的
1. [mass noun] [Brit. informal] vomit
[英,非正式] 呕吐
1. [with obj. sick something up] [Brit. informal] bring something up by vomiting
[英,非正式] 呕吐
be sick
1. be ill
• 生病
2. [Brit.] vomit
[英] 呕吐
get sick
1. be ill
• 生病
2. [US] vomit
[美] 呕吐
make someone sick
1. cause someone to vomit or feel nauseous or unwell
• 使人作呕;使人厌恶;让人觉得不舒服
  cause someone to feel intense annoyance or disgust
• 让人觉得愤怒(或讨厌)
 »you're so damned self-righteous you make me sick!.
— oneself sick
1. do something to such an extent that one feels nauseous or unwell (often used for emphasis)
[常用于强调] (某事做得)让自己觉得恶心(或不适)
 »she was worrying herself sick about Mike.
on the sick
1. [Brit. informal] receiving sickness benefit
[英,非正式] 享受病假补助
sick and tired of
1. [informal] annoyed about or bored with (something) and unwilling to put up with it any longer
[非正式] 对…十分厌倦;无法容忍
 »I am sick and tired of all the criticism.
as sick as a dog
1. [informal] extremely ill
[非正式] 病得厉害
as sick as a parrot
1. [informal] extremely disappointed
[非正式] 极其失望
the sick man of —
1. a country that is politically or economically unsound, especially in comparison with its neighbours in the region specified
• (某一地区的)弱国
 »the country had been the sick man of Europe for too long.
sick to death of
1. [informal] . another way of saying sick and tired of above
[非正式] 同前面 sick and tired of
sick to one's stomach
1. nauseous
• 作呕的
• 讨厌的
sickish adjective
1. Old English sēoc 'affected by illness', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziek and German siech
1. [with obj.] (sick something on)set a dog on (someone or something)
• 放狗咬
 »the plan was to surprise the heck out of the grizzly by sicking the dog on him.
  (sick someone on)[informal] set someone to pursue, keep watch on, or accompany (another)
[非正式] 让某人追击(或监视、陪伴)
1. mid 19th cent.: dialect variant of seek

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