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signal n.信号;暗号 v.以动作示意;发信号通知

/ 5siɡnEl /

1. a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions, typically by prearrangement between the parties concerned
• 信号;暗号
 »the firing of the gun was the signal for a chain of beacons to be lit.
 »[with infinitive] the policeman raised his hand as a signal to stop.
  an indication of a situation
• 指示;表示
 »the markets are waiting for a clear signal about the direction of policy.
  an event or statement that provides the impulse or occasion for something specified to happen
• 起因;导火线
 »the champion's announcement that he was retiring was the signal for scores of journalists to gather at his last match.
  an apparatus on a railway, typically a coloured light or a semaphore, giving indications to train drivers of whether or not the line is clear
• (铁路上的)信号灯
  [Bridge] a pre-arranged convention of bidding or play intended to convey information to one's partner
[桥牌] 信号
2. an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received
• (电脉冲或无线电波传递或接收的)信号
 »equipment for receiving TV signals.
(signalled, signalling; 美 signaled, signaling)
1. [no obj.] transmit information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound
• 用信号传递信息(或指示);发信号
 »hold your fire until I signal.
  [with obj. and infinitive] instruct (someone) to do something by means of gestures or signs rather than explicit orders
• (用信号)示意
 »she signalled Charlotte to be silent.
  (of a cyclist, motorist, or vehicle) indicate an intention to turn in a specified direction using an extended arm or flashing indicator
• (骑自行车者,驾驶司机,交通工具)打信号(以示转向)
 »[with complement] Stone signalled right.
 »[with infinitive] the truck signalled to turn left.
  [with obj.] indicate the existence or occurrence of (something) by actions or sounds
• (用举动或声音)表示,表明
 »the Community could signal displeasure by refusing to cooperate.
  [with clause] give an indication of a state of affairs
• 指示,表明
 »she gave a glance which signalled that her father was being secretive.
signaller noun
1. late Middle English: from Old French, from medieval Latin signale, neuter of late Latin signalis, from Latin signum 'mark, token' (see sign ). The verb dates from the early 19th cent
1. [attrib.] striking in extent, seriousness, or importance; outstanding
• 明显的;显著的;显要的;出色的
 »he attacked the government for their signal failure of leadership.
signally adverb
1. early 17th cent.: from French signalé, from the Italian past participle segnalato 'distinguished, made illustrious', from segnale 'a signal'

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