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sing v.唱,歌唱;嗡嗡作响,鸣响;吟咏,歌颂


(past sang ; past participle sung )
1. [no obj.] make musical sounds with the voice, especially words with a set tune
• 唱,唱歌
 »Bella sang to the baby.
  [withobj.] perform (a song, words, or tune) in this way
• 演唱(歌曲,歌词,曲调)
 »someone started singing ‘God Save the Queen’.
 »[as noun singing] the singing of hymns in Latin.
  (sing along)sing in accompaniment to a song or piece of music
• 随着唱;跟着唱
  (sing something out)call something out loudly;shout
• 大声叫喊
 »he sang out a greeting.
  (of a bird) make characteristic melodious whistling and twittering sounds
• (鸟)啼,鸣
 »the birds were singing in the chestnut trees.
  make a high-pitched whistling or buzzing sound
• 呜呜作响;发出嗡嗡声
 »the kettle was beginning to sing.
  (of a person's ear) be affected with a continuous buzzing sound, especially as the after-effect of a blow or loud noise
• (人耳)鸣
 »a stinging slap that made my ear sing.
  [informal] act as an informer to the police
[非正式] (向警方)告密
 »a leading terrorist was singing like a canary.
  [withobj.] recount or celebrate in a work of literature, especially poetry
• (尤指用诗歌等文学作品)描述;歌颂,赞颂
 »poetry should sing the strangeness and variety of the human race.
 »[no obj.] these poets sing of the North American experience.
  [no obj.] (archaic)compose poetry
[古] 作诗
1. [insing.] [informal] an act or spell of singing
[非正式] 唱歌;演唱
  [count noun] [US] a meeting for amateur singing
[美] 业余演唱会
all-singing, all-dancing
1. [Brit. informal] having a large number and variety of impressive features
[英,非正式] 具有各种鲜明特征的
sing a different tune (或 song)
1. change one's opinion about or attitude towards someone or something
• 改变(对某人或某物的)看法(或态度)
sing for one's supper
1. 见supper
sing from the same hymn (或 song) sheet
1. [Brit. informal] present a united front in public by not disagreeing with one another
[英,非正式] 口风一致
sing in (或 out) the new (或 old) year
1. celebrate the new year (or the end of the previous year) with singing
• 用歌声辞旧迎新
sing the praises of --› see praise
sing someone to sleep
1. cause someone to fall asleep by singing gently to them
• 唱歌哄某人入睡
singable adjective
singingly adverb
1. Old English singan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zingen and German singen

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